| C H A P T E R - 6 |


"Ouch!" A voice squeaked from somewhere around me. I looked beside me and found a pink-haired girl lying on the ground with the same expression as me. Irritated and knocked down. It seemed I had bumped into her.

It's just the first day, already I am bumping into so many people.

Quickly, I composed myself, standing up and offered a hand to help her up.

"I am extremely sorry... I..." I began to apologize. I was sure that now I was going to get another person with attitude and mockery but...

"Oh, don't be..." The girl replied with a nonchalant wave of her hand, making me kind of shocked. "After all, you are the one to break his long penances. We thought no one would be good enough for him to date after his name had been tainted by Mia. But today, you proved us all wrong. I'm Lara, a Journalism major, and you?" I looked down to find her hand stretched towards me for a shake.

I regarded her with a puzzled expression but decided to accept the handshake. "I-I'm Anastasia. Integrated Law. But what are you..."

I helped her to get up.

Lara's excitement bubbled over as she continued her chatter. "Oh, come on, you don't have to hide anymore. By now, everyone's convinced you're the mysterious girlfriend of the campus's playboy extraordinaire. Don't be so bashful!" To my ears, it was like she was speaking in an alien tongue, or maybe I was still trapped in some dream. "I know it must be crazy to know that Mia is still after your man, but trust me, we all feel that Mia has trapped Lorenzo in her clutches." She highlighted "trapped" in an odd way. "But it was long ago. They have ended it. And I am happy to see that you are a girl who sees beyond just the view."

I frowned. "What?"

But she chose to ignore my words. "You see, he's always been the 'touch me not or my bike' guy, and even when Mia and Enzo were together, he never let her ride his bike. It's like his sacred rule. But today we all watched him otherwise." Lara's eyes sparkled with stars and admiration. "He looked at you like you're the key to his bike's ignition, and that's saying something, you know?"

I furrowed my brows even more, trying to process everything. What is she even talking about?

We helped each other pick up our belongings, and she confidently turned around, walking like a boss with me following close behind. Nonetheless, I followed her. Then suddenly. she abruptly stopped, turning around as she began again, "Oh, you know, last week, he broke a guy's fingers for merely brushing against his bike and pushed off one of the cheerleaders for keeping her ass on his bike. Although she was a total smoocher." She rolled her eyes. "But today, you just..." Her voice trailed off dramatically.

"Oh my god!" she squealed in delight, clasping her hands and making those weird faces. "I can't believe that finally, one of the monster brothers has fallen in love! How on earth do you manage to soothe his temper, anyway?"

I blinked at her.

Honestly, can someone tell me what's going on here?

"I-I am not sure what you are..."

She interrupted me once again as she dropped another curious detail. "You know, everyone suspects that Mia has practically forced him to be seen with her even after their breakup," She rolled her gorgeous jade eyes once again, pointing out the details. "You know like, those hook up kinda thing. But you have to believe me, they have no real connection. We all know that."

"Can you tell me..." Before I could ask my question, I was interrupted once again. She held me by her words as she began to drag me with her, chattering like the bubbly character she was, which was really hard for me to keep up with her.

"But today, seeing you, his apparent love interest, has really intrigued the whole campus. I am happy that someone is finally here to give her some competition," she finished with a mischievous grin on her face. She turned around once again to take a good look at me as she said, "And with the beauty you hold, my dear, I am sure you are going to dethrone her soon."

"Are you sure you are talking about me here?' I finally asked. I fear she might have mixed me up with someone else because no way in hell was whatever she was talking about relevant to me.

"Oh, come on, I am not your enemy, really," she commented playfully, walking a few steps ahead of me. "I am just happy that Lorenzo, the playboy, finally got caught by a beauty like you."

I still wasn't getting it. Who the hell is this Lorenzo guy, and why am I being forced to be with him? I sighed. If only she knew that I already have a stalker, which is enough of a pain in my ass. But I decided not to tell her about that.

"No matter what, he never lets anyone touch his bike. It's like a sacred rule for him. And you, my friend, are one of a kind. He lets you ride it!"

It all sounded like a foreign language to me, and I continued to gaze at her with a bewildered expression. "I wonder what you really like about him anyway? Is it his good looks? Or the good looks?"

She wiggled her brows. Wiggle?

She raised her gaze to meet mine, and her beautiful jade-green eyes, accentuated by hints of olive, seemed to dance with curiosity. She wore a pink floral skirt paired with a boldly worded black top that stated, "Fuck off."

I cocked my brow at her words. All these little details she was giving me were out of my knowledge. I have no idea who these people are and why I should be a part of this conversation. But the way she was telling me the stories about Mia, sounds like a goddess of the campus and somehow it kept me hooked for some reason.

"Oh, why am I even asking?" She playfully smacked her own forehead as she went on, "Is this what it feels like to be one of those characters in a romance novel? The hotshot playboy, showing a soft side for a naive innocent beautiful girl?"

Is she for real?

She linked her arm with mine and began pulling me in a particular direction. "...But tell me something, are you close to Mark too?"

The question comes more like an inquiry, and I wonder what her link is with this Mark.

They say the way you dress says a lot about you. Now, I was starting to get the picture. What was intriguing about her, though, was her radiant smile, framed by her untamed pink-dyed hair. I was pretty sure she must be a bit of a rebel. "Oh, you must be." She replied to herself, rolling her eyes.

She does that a lot, huh?

"He's a total ass, by the way, but also the delicious one." She grinned playfully. Then turning her face into a confused one she said, "I think maybe he is a fucking Celibate. Exactly opposite to his brother. He is never seen with any girl. But I really doubt that, though." She rolled her eyes again. "But tell me, how good is Lorenzo, by the way? I mean, how did you two even cross paths? I mean, he is the sociable type, but never been the case, he fell for someone. Also, I haven't seen you around here, and..."

And now she is not even breathing! My god!

"Okay, you need to calm down and breathe," I finally interjected, pulling her, causing her to halt abruptly. I can't take this anymore. "I totally love the way how bubbly and cheerful you are, " I started, hoping to find my answers this time. "But you gotta calm down to give me answers now." She stopped and kept staring at me, clearly puzzled. 

"What?" This time, she frowned at me with a surprise that I feared maybe I had asked her something wrong. 

I let out a sigh before continuing, "I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're talking about..." I offered her an awkward smile. "Mind telling me who these people we are talking about here?"

She had a weird expression on her face as she replied, "Lorenzo... your boyfriend? And Mark, his hot monster brother!"

My eyebrows furrowed, and lips parted, I couldn't help but ask, "Who's Lorenzo?"


We sat in the cafeteria, sipping our favourite drink, Latte. Lara and I had quickly hit it off. Beneath her rebel exterior, she had a heart of gold. We had become friends almost instantly, despite having just met.

Preston was huge, just as I had imagined. It boasted impressive buildings with numerous departmental wings and a lush green campus surrounded by trees and parks for students to study quietly. It was the best Law school in the country, and it held a special place in my heart because this is where my mother met my dad.

I guess I just wanted to be a part of her life. I sighed, focusing on Lara.

The earlier misunderstanding had been cleared up. She had assisted me in finding the admin office to submit my documents, and during our time together, I told her the whole story about the guy who she had been thinking of as my boyfriend. I realized that the guy who had helped me that morning was Lorenzo.

Lorenzo. My mind flashed back to his handsome face and his playful smile. The name suits him. 

Lara provided some more insights into him.

Lorenzo, as it turns out, was the quintessential heartthrob of the campus, a senior who had transferred a year ago. Lara shared how he had a fan club of swooning girls. Now, I could make sense of the throng of admirers from earlier. Lorenzo, aside from being a basketball star, was an Italian exchange student. But there was a catch. I have learned for some reason, he was avoided.

To be perfectly honest, I could understand why. He cut an imposing figure, almost inhuman in appearance—tall, muscular, brooding, and utterly menacing. People tended to steer clear of individuals like him.

But that's not only the case.

Lorenzo's reputation has been as a playboy since he joined Preston. He had been seen with numerous girls until Mia. But they broke up after some months of dating. But he is now a personal playtoy of Mia?

I, however, was puzzled by this information. Were they still together? Or is it that they are still seeing each other? Lara said Mia trapped her to be her personal playtoy. Is this only physical? Forced? or Volunteered?

That was still a mystery.

But given his reputation, I hardly believe force is the case.

What I witnessed earlier was that Lorenzo was really good with his words, looks, and flirting skills... 


Whatever. I don't want to get meddled with it. It's their personal life, and I should not be involved in all this.

But even though I didn't want to get involved, I couldn't get myself away from him. Partially, Lara was the reason. She didn't let me.

I also learned that due to Mia's involvement with Lorenzo, most people avoid him now. He has been labelled as owned by Mia, and it has been kept like that. Mia, even after their breakup, didn't let him go. 

So, to avoid Mia's wrath, most people avoid him. But lucky, he has his own fan following. A swarm of girls swooning over him. Which apparently Mia does not see as a threat.

This is weird. Owning someone?

I wonder why has he not protested for himself. It seemed like he had quite an intimidating aura that hung around him. If he wanted, he could easily get himself out of the situation. Isn't it?

Maybe he wanted this?

In the labyrinth of campus gossip, the Jonas brothers, Lorenzo and Mark, loomed as mysterious figures, termed by Lara as the 'monster duo.' The intriguing part was not just Lara's supposed disdain for Mark, but the mysterious aura surrounding both brothers. 

Mark with an extremely private, scary overprotective brother, who likes to keep things personal. While Lorenzo had a reputation as a playboy, extremely available for everyone. Such an opposite character. 

"You sure about this whole Mia's play toy thing?" I quizzed Lara, a hint of skepticism in my voice.

She nonchalantly shrugged. "I don't know. People say it, so it must be true, right?"

I furrowed my brow, cocking my head. "So, these are all just rumours?"

A glimmer of relief washed over me at the possibility of it being mere gossip.

"I mean, even though no one knows what exactly these Jonas brothers are," she added, placing emphasis on the uncertainty. "But I'm pretty sure Mia and Lorenzo are still a thing."

"How can you be so sure?"

Instead of a direct answer, she flashed a mischievous grin. "Jealous already?"

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "You wish."

She clicked her tongue with a sound like "tsk." "Well, Mia refuses to leave Lorenzo alone, and even though it is clearly seen on his face that he hates her to be around, they were seen together pretty often." She shrugged. "These brothers are mysterious."

"How so?" I asked.

"Normally both Lorenzo and Mark are the mysterious characters of the campus. No one knows where they stay or why they don't easily blend with people. Although Lorenzo was pretty famous with everyone, he never let anyone into his private space or," she leaned forward, almost whispering, "some even think they're aliens."

I burst into laughter.

"You're laughing?" she asked, surprised.

"Well, no," I replied, trying to stifle my amusement. "Not exactly." I sobered. "I mean, why and when did these rumours start in the first place?"

Lara pouted, feigning deep thought. "Honestly, I don't remember when, but just before the summer break, Lorenzo started seeing Mia, even though we all know how private he is and how much he used to hate her," Lara explained. "Last year, Mia asked Lorenzo, and Gweanth asked Mark to the annual ball, but they both swiftly refused. Mia and Gweneath became the laughingstock of the campus."

"Then?" I was genuinely intrigued.

"Mia kept poking Lorenzo, pressuring him but every time he denied her."

There was something oddly satisfying about that. Weird.

"But then, after the summer break, they were suddenly together, and that's when everyone started thinking either Mia had performed some kind of witchcraft or Lorenzo was bullied into it." She said. "Most people assumed the latter, and that's how the rumours started. Then after a few weeks, they officially broke up."

"Nobody knew what was the reason, but everyone was happy to get Lorenzo back. But weirdly they are still seen hanging out."

I bit my lip, contemplating how bizarre all of this was. But what could have changed his mind?

"But I don't really blame her you know. You have no idea how hot they both are despite looking like monsters walking on the campus," Lara chimed. "And when I saw you on Enzo's bike this morning, I thought maybe you're the one he's been saving himself from everyone else," Lara laughed. "After all, they were the forbidden ones, and you know what they say about a forbidden fruit?" She asked with a grin.

I shrugged. She leaned closer and whispered, "They are temptingly delicious."

I chuckled. "So is that what your man, Mark is?" I teased. "Delicious?"