| C H A P T E R - 8 |


Benjamin Sanderson.

Son of Narco Sanderson and the heir to the Sanderson Corporation. Our fathers were friends and business partners, so I had met him a few times in the past. But that was too long ago. Maybe almost a few years.

I remembered him for his dashing smile, curly hair, and chubby cheeks. However, he had transformed into quite the handsome young man now, with muscles, no braces, and a smile that could rival a model's. He was a year older than me.

"What a coincidence?" he grinned as he approached me, leaving Lara visibly perplexed. "Why didn't you tell me you joined here?"

"I only moved to town last week and started here today. It all happened so quickly, I didn't get a chance," I explained apologetically. 

"Really?" He smiled, a sweet expression lighting up his face as he stopped before us. Ben was a few inches taller than me with a well-built physique. Looking at him now, I could guess he was into athletics.

"Yeah," I nodded my head awkwardly. Too many people today. Yet, I was happy to find some familiar faces.

"No worries," he said. "Now that you're here, I think you'll have to make up for it with a cup of coffee?"

He pulled a flirtatious grin while scratching his back. He had always been like that—the flirtatious one. Even when we were young, I remember how he always made his way to the group of girls. They worshipped him.

Well, partially because they knew how wealthy he was.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Okay," I responded with a playful pout. "But I get to choose the place."

"More sugar, thick cream, and coffee? Fine," he agreed, remembering my perfect combination for a latte. I smiled.

His gaze shifted to the basketball lying a few feet away from me, the very one that had just collided with my head. With an awkward expression, he said, "Oh, I am sorry... I..."

I nodded in understanding. "That's okay. It was an accident." He acknowledged with a nod and I, with an understanding smile. Looking up at him, I ask, "I didn't know you were into basketball?"

"And I didn't know you grew up so beautifully!"

We shared a laugh. He hasn't changed. Finally, I replied, "Well, what can I say? I am a Brown after all!

Lara stood beside me, still puzzled. I need to give her an explanation. Honestly, I didn't get time to introduce myself clearly to her.

Then, one of Ben's friends walked up to us, casting a curious glance at me from head to toe. I had seen him somewhere. I frowned, trying to recognize him. But I couldn't quite place it.

"Uh, this is Tony, my batchmate. And this is Anastasia, my childhood friend."

"Hi," I greeted with a friendly smile.

"Hello, beautiful," Tony replied, his tone dripping with flirtation as he kissed my knuckles, taking my hand—a move that felt pretty uncomfortable for me. There was a stark difference between Ben's playful flirting and Tony's bold approach. I quickly withdrew my hands.

Lara scoffed beside me unfazed. For some reason I could understand that she isn't really a fan of this guy. Ben too, couldn't help but roll his eyes at Tony's overly forward antics. He swiftly smacked Tony's arm, attempting to curb his flirtatious advances. "Shut up, Tony," he snapped, clearly trying to prevent the situation from turning too awkward.

Tony, still grinning, composed himself beside Ben. "Sorry about that, Ana. I tend to be a bit forward sometimes," he admitted. "I can't help but be a little flirty with beautiful people."

I put on an awkward smile.

I haven't thought I would meet Ben here. We have lost touch for a long time. But he's not the problem. I was. I have always been the awkward one between too many people.

But I can't run. That's not who I am. That's not what a Brown would do.

Finally putting on a smile, I replied, "Well, I appreciate the compliment."

Thankfully, Ben took charge of the conversation, steering it in a different direction. "Who would have thought the future heir of the Alpha Group is right in front of us?" he teased, a playful glint in his eye.

This time, both Lara and Tony's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing my formal introduction.

I sighed, quickly shutting him up. "Oh, stop it, Ben. It's not a big deal." I had always known the impact my father had all over the world. The company, with a turnover of almost a trillion, was quite a powerful entity, and I had always lived in his shadow, under the influence of the Brown name. "Moreover, you know how much I've hated the limelight."

People know James Brown as the trillionaire titan of the business world. While he might put on a cheerful and amiable facade around me, his true demeanour within the confines of his company was the polar opposite, and it was this side of him that struck fear into the hearts of those who crossed his path.

But here, I wanted to be a normal girl, someone who would come to study and spend the majority of her time researching her lost mother.

"You're a Brown?" Lara asked in equal shock.

"I, uh..." I began. "Yes."

Would that change anything in our friendship?

I've picked up on her aversion to the trust fund babies, but I wasn't a spoiled one like them. Lara, however, remains blissfully unaware of that fact. I pray she doesn't misread my story and lump me into that insufferable category. I don't want to lose her. So, in the quiet recesses of hope, I silently prayed for her to stick around.

"Wow!" she exhaled dramatically. "I just officially became friends with the richest person on this campus!"

Well, that wasn't the reaction I was expecting from her. I let out a sigh that turned into a chuckle. I was relieved she didn't pass judgment on me.

"Ah, well, I wouldn't say it like that," I interjected. "Everything my dad has, he built on his own, and someday what I will have, I want to build on my own."

Lara smiled at my words. "I knew I hadn't chosen the wrong one."

Suddenly, a cacophony of hooting and cheering disrupted us, prompting all of us to turn towards the source of the commotion. We found ourselves standing just outside the basketball court, where a crowd had gathered for the game. Amidst our conversation, I realized I had forgotten to ask Ben if he was playing.

However, I was almost certain he was. The way the crowd erupted in cheers as soon as the referee blew the whistle was a dead giveaway.

Yet, there was another name being chanted—a distant murmur lost in the enthusiastic shouts of the crowd. It was challenging to decipher the name through the uproar.

And then, there he was again.

Lorenzo, the mesmerizing enigma of the college campus, strode onto the basketball court, bathed in the golden rays of the late afternoon sun. Every step he took, every move he made, seemed like poetry in motion. His sun-kissed tan skin glistened as though he'd just emerged from a Mediterranean beach. His tall and imposing figure dominated the court, casting a shadow that seemed to stretch infinitely.

He wore nothing more than a pair of strikingly blue basketball shorts that clung to his Herculean frame, accentuating the breathtaking contours of his perfectly sculpted physique. Every muscle seemed meticulously chiselled, from his broad shoulders and bulging biceps to his rock-hard abs and powerful thighs. As he moved, his body rippled with raw power, every sinew and vein visible beneath his flawless skin.

His jawline was sharp enough to cut glass, and his dark hair tousled just enough to make every girl's heart race a little faster. Tattoos adorned his arms, an intricate tapestry of inked artistry that only added to his aura of mystery. Muscles rippled with every move, a testament to hours of dedicated training on the court.

The spectators, both girls and guys, couldn't contain their excitement, and their cheers erupted like a tidal wave. The girls, in particular, let out a chorus of adoration. Now the name is more clear. "Lorenzo! Lorenzo!" they chanted in a harmonious symphony.

As I stood on the sidelines, I found myself momentarily caught in a surreal dream. The world around me seemed to blur, and for a second, it felt like I had stepped into a fantasy. Lorenzo's presence held an inexplicable allure, and in that moment, it was as if I had entered another dimension, where everything was hazy, beautiful, and utterly dreamy.

Our eyes collided once again like the dark night sky meeting the endless expanse of the blue ocean. It was a moment of silent connection, unspoken yet powerful.

And then he winked at me!

My eyes widen i surprise of his sudden wink. I quickly averted my eyes, looking at the others. Thankfully nobody notified it. Looking up I find him getting back with his team.

I knew he was handsome. But I didn't know it was painful to watch him being so handsome and not being able to do anything about it. 

"And that's my cue to leave," Ben's voice broke through the enchanting moment, pulling me back to reality. It took a few seconds for my surroundings to regain clarity. "I have a match to attend."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Uh, okay," I stammered, still caught in the spell of that intense gaze. "I'll see you."

"I'll see you," he replied with a wink, his easy charm returning as he dashed back to the basketball court. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of conflict as I watched him join the game.

I wanted to stay and watch the match, but the clock was ticking, and I had a class to attend. As I looked around, I realized the game had already begun, and Ben was in the opposite team, competing against Lorenzo. It was Team Red, with Ben, against Team Blue, led by the majestic Lorenzo. The excitement in the air was palpable.

Once again, I felt a gaze on me. The hair on my back rose. I panicked. Is my stalker here already?

But unexpectedly this time, when I looked up, it was Lorenzo's intense eyes that met mine. He stared at me with an inscrutable expression, and his eyes held a fire that was different from what I had seen earlier. With Ben standing a few inches shorter than Lorenzo, I couldn't help but guess he would take advantage of Ben in the match.

With a final, lingering look at Lorenzo, Lara and I swiftly moved away, leaving the basketball court behind but carrying that electrifying encounter with us. The college campus was buzzing with life, and I couldn't help but feel that today was just the beginning of an extraordinary chapter in my life.

"He winked at you?" Lara, beside me, teased as my eyes widened again. Shit.


By the time I finished my classes, it was already evening. Lara, who lived in an apartment near the campus, had said her goodbyes. I was alone, waiting for my Uber.

Surprisingly, my thoughts were consumed by Lorenzo, his presence lingering in my mind throughout the day. The memory of our earlier encounter brought a warmth that I couldn't quite shake, and I found myself lost in contemplation as I strolled through the campus grounds, the autumn breeze carrying with it a hint of nostalgia.

Our weird first meet. The thrilling ride. His gorgeous smile. His flirtatious wink. And all the weird rumours about him.

But was it all true? Is he really a playtoy of Mia? Or this all is just a mask? Was he really hooking up with her even after their breakup and flirting with others?

Suddenly, as if summoned by my thoughts, I spotted Lorenzo in the distance near the park. Our eyes met midway, and I couldn't name the sensation on my skin. I didn't know why this person would affect me so much. Am I just tempted by his good looks? However, my heart sank when I noticed Mia standing beside him, their hands intertwined as they waited for someone. 

Right, they are...

A knot tightened in my stomach as I watched Mia snuggle more into Lorenzo's arm. The flashback from the morning's game flashed in. The way he walked into the game, I had myself lost in my thoughts, and somehow I hated it. Him controlling me so much.

I sighed looking at them. It was useless; he has a girlfriend... or whatever they are...

Even though Mia wanted to show she didn't notice me, I knew she did. I saw her looking at me with a calculated smirk, locking eyes with me before leaning in to kiss Lorenzo.

As if only to show me who he belongs to.

This cannot be forced. He is into this. Maybe he let everyone know he is the victim, whereas he may be the culprit. 

An uncomfortable feeling settled in me, one I couldn't quite put into words. I looked away, trying to divert my attention, but the unsettling sensation lingered. This isn't right... I should not...

But I stole another glance at them, lost in their passionate embrace. His hands on her body, her hand on his chest as they kissed each other fervently. However, something caught my eye. Lorenzo didn't close his eyes; instead, he was looking at me — but there was something in Lorenzo's eyes.

A fleeting glimpse of regret as Mia deepened the kiss.

I couldn't bear it anymore, so I looked away.

As I stood on the corner of the street, a creeping sensation crawled up my skin—a familiar feeling of being watched. I looked around, half hoping to find Lorenzo's intense gaze on me again, but my hopes were dashed. They were no longer in the scene as if they had vanished to complete what they had started.

Once more, it was just me and that eerie feeling that someone was observing me.

"Anastasia?" A voice called from behind startled me to almost jump. I turned to see Ben standing with Tony and another guy.

"Ben?" I greeted awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?"

"My car broke down this morning... I'm waiting for my Uber."

"Why didn't you call me?" Ben asked. "You have my number, right?"

I nodded and added, "Yeah... I..."

The other guy, who was standing with a sly grin on his face, couldn't resist. "Who's this lovely newcomer?"

"This is Anastasia Brown, a friend," Ben introduced. "Ana, this is Oliver."

Oliver. The name struck a chord. Wasn't he the leader of Kevin and his gang, known for their notoriety?

I closely observed Oliver. He stood at an average height, with a peculiar appearance and an unsettling air about him. Despite his muscular physique, it didn't quite match his overall demeanour. Deep brunette hair framed his face, and his brown eyes had a smoky, mysterious quality. There was a distinct scent of weed lingering around him, a stark contrast to his apparent wealth and status. There was something about his gaze and the way he carried himself that suggested he was accustomed to getting what he wanted, no matter the cost.

Tony, now somewhat puzzled, turned to Ben and asked, "Do you know her?"

Ben chuckled and revealed, "Yes, she's Anastasia, daughter of James Brown, the future heir to The Alpha Group."

I observed Tony's and Oliver's widened eyes upon my introduction. New York was different; they knew I was the daughter of renowned industrialist James Brown, but they hadn't looked at me with these eyes—eyes filled with ambition, fake smiles, and power. Hunger. I couldn't stand those looks.

"Oh..." Tony stammered, offering a polite, albeit fake, smile. "I think we'd make great friends, wouldn't we, Ana?"

Silence followed. I didn't reply.

"Wow, you're a Brown, and you're taking an Uber?" Oliver inquired with a scoff.

"Yeah," I replied with a wry smile. "In times of need, we need to be versatile to save ourselves from trouble."

He let out another scoff. "Your name doesn't quite fit your reputation."

I maintained a steady gaze at him. I wasn't afraid; I refused to be intimidated by someone who derived power from belittling others. I shrugged and replied, "What can I say, I'm not everyone's cup of tea."

A sly smirk curled on his lips. "You're fierce. I like it."

"And you're the leader of those bullies!"

The smile faded from Oliver's face, replaced by a sly, bitter grin. His unsettling eyes bore into me. "I didn't know you'd been digging into my affairs."

"I didn't," I replied calmly. "But the truth has a way of surfacing, Oliver."

I could feel the tension in the air between the others. Ben tried to deflect the question, but I held my unwavering gaze, and so did Oliver.

"Now, is it?" Oliver inquired, his eyes narrowing.

I held his gaze, unyielding and unafraid. "Like the truth itself—unbending."

A heavy silence lingered in the air, and then Oliver finally smiled, suggesting, "I'm sure it's all a misunderstanding."


Ben drove me that night, the cool breeze caressing my skin, providing relief from the day's fatigue.

"Why are you friends with them?" I inquired. Ben glanced at me briefly before refocusing on the road. "I've heard they're bullies!"

"It's complicated, Ana," he sighed. "We're all sort of..." His voice trailed off. "Related. My father and his uncle are business partners, and..." Another sigh.

"But it's so wrong!" I remarked quietly.

He nodded. "I know." Silence hung in the air between us.

One thing was evident: Oliver was exploiting his uncle's name for amusement, and it wasn't right. Maybe Olivia...

"Why don't you come to the finals of our basketball match? It would be great if you could cheer for me!" He extended the invitation with a flirtatious grin.

"When is it?"

"The finals are scheduled for two months from now," Ben replied. "I'd be honoured if you joined me to witness yet another medal added to our collection, hmm?"

"Did you win today?"

"We won some, lost some," he answered. For a moment, I wondered if he had competed against Lorenzo. "But luckily, we made it to the finals."

"Is it going to be tough?" I asked.

Ben's face tensed briefly, but he quickly masked it with another charming smile. "What's the fun in winning so easily?"

I wasn't entirely sure if I should agree, but I found myself saying yes nonetheless.


After returning home, Robert made sure I had a tasty meal. I told him about my day. Partially. He only nodded before getting back to the kitchen. 

After a soothing bath, I collapsed onto my luxuriously comfortable bed. The dimmed lights cast a perfect ambience for drifting into slumber. I was nearly lost in dreamland when a noise abruptly shattered my beauty sleep. My gaze darted toward the source, only to be met with the sight of a shadowy figure on my balcony, sending a shiver cascading down my spine.

I gasped. I quickly sat on my bed, my hands clutching the bedsheet.

Outside, it was pitch dark with no discernible light source, yet this ominous figure stood starkly silhouetted against the night. The eyes... those haunting eyes bore into me. 

They were... Angry.

Quickly, I fumbled to switch on the room's light. When I finally mustered the courage to look back at the balcony, it was empty. Sliding off the bed, I approached the balcony cautiously to verify what I'd seen.

Everything outside appeared undisturbed, perfectly in its place just as Robert had left it.

Where did he go?

I looked at the area thoroughly, but there was no sign of life.

Dismissing it as a hallucination brought on by the day's stress, I shook it off and made sure to securely close the door and window. It was getting quite late, so I decided to call it a night.

Maybe I just need a good sleep. 

As I settled in, ready to drift into sleep, a sudden "TING" sound jolted my attention to my phone, indicating a new message had arrived from an unknown number.

My brows furrowed with curiosity, and I opened the message—a video played before me.

A car burning fiercely, the flames consuming it hungrily.

To be more precise, it was Ben's car.

The very one he had offered me a ride home earlier today.