Skill and Dishonor

As Ingram walked away with Sheena, his steps were heavy, fueled by a mix of anger and disappointment. The prospect of joining Lucius on the hunt for the Sigbin had ignited a spark of excitement in him, a chance to demonstrate his prowess and perhaps even outshine the newcomer in what he saw as his territory. However, Lucius's command to escort Sheena back to the village felt like a dismissal, relegating him to a mere guardian role while the more thrilling task of tracking and confronting the Sigbin was left to Lucius alone.

Ingram's thoughts swirled with frustration as he guided Sheena through the dark, dense forest. His mind wasn't solely on the safety of the path ahead but was consumed by the plans he had been forming against Lucius. He had harbored suspicions and envy towards Lucius from the moment they met, sensing a potential threat to his standing and reputation within the village of Lumina. Lucius's arrival and his immediate involvement in the village's affairs, particularly his willingness to help Yara, had unsettled Ingram. It was a challenge to his own role and influence.

As Ingram led Sheena through the dark forest, the anger and frustration boiling within him reached a tipping point. The task of escorting Sheena back to the village, a directive from Lucius that he saw as both a slight and a dismissal, gnawed at him with every step. His thoughts, already dark with schemes against Lucius, turned even darker, focusing on the immediate and vulnerable target of his ire: Sheena.

The forest, silent except for the occasional rustle of leaves and distant animal calls, became a witness to Ingram's descent. The simmering resentment towards Lucius for the perceived encroachment on his territory and the undermining of his status in Lumina morphed into a blind rage, seeking an outlet.

Sheena, sensing the dangerous shift in Ingram's demeanor, felt a surge of fear. Her trust in the sellsword, her belief in his role as her protector, shattered in an instant. She turned, intending to flee, to run back through the forest and find Lucius, to escape the sudden threat that Ingram posed.

But it was too late. Ingram, propelled by his fury and the twisted need to assert his dominance—even if only over a defenseless girl—struck with brutal efficiency. His sword pierced Sheena's heart, silencing her screams before they could fully escape her lips. The forest swallowed the sound of her collapse, a soft thud against the leaf-strewn ground.

Ingram stood over Sheena, his breathing heavy, the rage that had driven his hand slowly receding, leaving behind a cold realization of what he had done. The night, indifferent to the deeds of men and monsters alike, closed back around him, a shroud of darkness that hid the grim scene from the world but not from the conscience of the killer.


Lucius, deep within the shadowed embrace of the forest, moved with a purpose honed through years of battles and hunts. His experiences had taught him well, and his preparation for facing the Sigbin—a creature of dark legend—was meticulous and thorough. The knowledge he had gathered on this elusive predator now guided his every step.

The air around him shimmered with heat as he unsheathed his sword, the blade bursting into flames that mirrored the intensity of his resolve. The fiery glow cast dancing shadows among the trees, a beacon of defiance against the night and its horrors. Lucius knew that ordinary steel would not suffice against a creature like the Sigbin; his weapon needed to be as fierce and unyielding as the sun itself to pierce the creature's dark essence.

But the physical blade alone was not enough to track such a creature. Lucius resorted to a more arcane piece of lore, one that spoke to the mystical nature of his quarry. The tears of a dog, an odd but crucial element in his hunt, served as a magical balm that would allow him to see what was hidden to normal eyes. Carefully, he applied the tears to his eyes, a ritual that felt both ancient and otherworldly.

The effect was immediate and startling. The world around him gained an ethereal quality, with trails of mystical energy weaving through the air. Lucius could now see the traces of the Sigbin, a spectral trail that only those with enchanted sight could discern. The creature's movements, previously erratic and invisible to the naked eye, now painted a clear path for him to follow.

With his sword alight and his vision enhanced by the tears of a dog, Lucius moved silently but swiftly through the forest. Each step took him closer to the Sigbin, guided by the newfound clarity in his eyes. The hunt was on, and Lucius, armed with knowledge, magic, and steel, was a formidable hunter. The night held its breath as predator pursued predator, a dance of fate and fire in the dark heart of the forest.