44. Ending Her Life Tonight (Part 2)


It was as if he were challenging her with each piercing stare, daring her to confront the stark reality of her mortality.

In that moment, she couldn't discern whether he was toying with her, taunting her with the prospect of him being capable of ending her life tonight, or genuinely offering her an insight into the afterlife. 

What can she tell when his eyes held a chilling emptiness, yet they wielded a power that could evoke such strong emotions from others; fear, anticipation, regret, or even a strange sense of relief. Though she can't imagine anyone feeling relieved seeing him emerging from the dark corners of their room.

Hence, Sia shut her mouth with a click before something else could escape thru her lips and then he would leave no chance to speculate whether he was serious or not by his actions. 

"As I mentioned before, my visits to this realm are frequent-" His voice carrying a weight of ancient knowledge and timeless wisdom.