Chapter One

Katie's POV:

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of Springfield High School on my first day. I had begged my parents not to make me start at a new school in the middle of junior year. But apparently my dad's fancy new job mattered more than my social life. 

So here I was, the complete new girl at a school where everyone had known each other since kindergarten. I already missed my best friends Jenna and Chris. We'd texted all weekend, promising we'd stay close no matter what. But it wasn't the same.

I tucked a strand of wavy brown hair behind my ear and clutched my backpack straps. Just blend in, I told myself.

Of course, that was impossible when even my outfit screamed "new girl." Khaki pants and a nice floral top were apparently not cool here. All the other girls wore short skirts and tank tops, despite it being barely 60 degrees out. 

The warning bell jolted me from my thoughts. I rushed inside, checking my schedule again. First period English in room 224. The sea of students jostled me as I searched for the right classroom.

When I walked into English, most of the seats were already taken. The teacher, a tall woman with short gray hair, gave me a warm smile. 

"You must be Katie! I'm Mrs. Howard. There's an open desk in the second row next to Chloe. I know being the new student is tough, but try to relax. I'm excited to have you in my class."

I smiled back tentatively and sat down next to a girl with fiery red curls. She turned to look at me.

"Hey, I'm Chloe! That's my friend Julia behind us," she said, pointing to a girl with a pixie cut who gave a little wave. 

"Katie," I said. "Guess this is home now."

"Ugh, I hate moving too," said Chloe. "I came in eighth grade and wanted to die. But you'll settle in! Where are you from?"

I felt myself relax a tiny bit as Chloe chattered on. Maybe I could make friends here after all.

After English I had chemistry, which passed in a blur of syllabi and introductions. As I walked to history, I thought about joining an after-school club. Photography or creative writing maybe. Anything to feel less alone.

Lost in thought, I turned the corner and crashed right into a solid chest, sending my books flying. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I said.

I looked up into a pair of piercing green eyes set in the cutest face I'd ever seen. The guy had dark brown hair that just brushed his eyebrows. He flashed me a crooked smile that made my heart do somersaults.

"Don't worry about it," he said, bending to help me gather my books. 

When he stood back up, he was at least a head taller than me. Suddenly I felt small and awkward, my hands numb. Something about his strong jawline and athletic build made me instantly crush hard.

"I-I'm Katie," I managed to get out. "First day."

"Luke," he said. Of course, even his name was cute. "Welcome to Springfield High."

A couple of his athletic-looking friends came up behind him, giving me curious glances.

Luke cleared his throat. "Well, maybe I'll see you around, Katie. Gotta get to History." He waved and rejoined his friends. I watched them walk away, Luke's letterman jacket prominent in the group.

By the time I got to History, my heart was still pounding. Who was that guy? He was clearly one of the popular jocks, hence the posse of adoring friends. I was sure I had no chance with someone like him.

I found an empty seat near the front, since the teacher glared at me when I walked in late. Luckily, Julia from my English class sat next to me. 

"That was Luke Walters you were talking to in the hall," she whispered to me. "Every girl here wants him. But he's so focused on basketball and his friends, he barely notices. Plus he just broke up with Vicious Alexa."

"Vicious Alexa?" I asked, laughing.

"Alexa with an A," Julia confirmed. "Head cheerleader and queen of mean. Do not get on her bad side."

I gulped. Who was this Luke and why did he already have my stomach doing backflips? I needed to focus on simply surviving my first day. Boys would have to wait.

The morning passed by uneventfully after that. At lunch, I was relieved when Chloe waved me over to her table. Clark, a cute athletic guy, and Renee, a quiet girl who wore glasses, sat with her. 

We chatted about classes and I felt myself relaxing. Until Alexa and her clique strolled up to our table. Her shiny blonde ponytail and perfect makeup screamed "popular girl."

She gave me a critical once-over before turning to Clark with a flirty smile.

"Hey Clark, you're trying out for track again this year, right? Can't wait to cheer you on at the meets," she purred, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Chloe rolled her eyes as Clark grinned goofily. "Who's your new friend?" Alexa asked, her gaze cutting over to me.

Her tone made it clear "friend" wasn't the right word. I felt myself shrinking under her stare.

"This is Katie, she just moved here," Chloe answered. 

Alexa smirked. "Hmm, cute outfit, Katie. Very modern." Her friends giggled behind her.

I looked down at my khakis and blouse, my cheeks burning. But before I could respond, Alexa was already sashaying away.

"Ugh, ignore her," said Chloe. "Alexa loves tormenting anyone she views as a threat."

"Why would I be a threat?" I asked.

Chloe shrugged. "Pretty girl talking to Clark? That's all it takes with her. Anyway, we've all learned to avoid her drama."

I nodded, stirring my soup. So far high school here was both lonely and humiliating. And why did the name Luke Walters still make my heart race? This was going to be a long semester.


The first week of classes dragged on. I went through the motions of taking notes and doing homework, but constantly felt out of place. 

At least I had Chloe, Julia and Renee to eat lunch with. We bonded over favorite TV shows and movies. Julia was obsessed with indie bands while Renee read fantasy novels nonstop. 

Alexa continued her reign of terror, dropping snide comments about my "childish" style whenever we crossed paths. I did my best to ignore her.

Luke on the other hand, was much harder to forget. We kept passing each other in the halls between classes. Sometimes he'd catch my eye and smile in a way that made my knees weak. But he was always surrounded by his popular friends or fangirls longing for his attention. 

I got up the courage to ask Julia more about him one day after English. She filled me in on his basketball superstar status and wealthy family that owned half the town's businesses. 

"I know he's cute, but don't waste your time crushing on him," Julia advised. "He's so out of our league."

By Friday, the loneliness was almost too much to bear. I missed my neighborhood, my old room, and my real friends. Burying myself under a mountain of blankets, I video called Jenna and Chris back home. 

Seeing their faces cheered me up instantly. We talked for hours about Chris' new nerdy girlfriend and Jenna's audition for the school musical. For the first time all week, I felt like myself again.

On Monday morning, I decided to make more of an effort. I styled my hair in soft waves and picked out a cute floral dress. Feeling confident, I strode into first period.

Chloe's mouth dropped when she saw me. "Look at you, cutie! I love this whole look."

I smiled, smoothing my dress. "Thanks! Just trying something different." 

The morning flew by. I even participated in Chemistry, getting praise from the teacher for a correct answer. Things were finally looking up.

Then at my locker before lunch, Luke suddenly appeared beside me. "Hey Katie," he said, casually leaning against the wall. The scent of his cologne enveloped me. 

"Oh! Hi," I stammered, nearly dropping my books.

"Look, a bunch of us are going for pizza after school. You should come." His green eyes peered at me hopefully.

My mind spun but I managed an "Okay, sounds fun" before he grinned and walked off. 

Wait, had Luke Walters just asked me to hang out? With the popular crowd? I couldn't process it.

Chloe shrieked when I told her and Julia at lunch. "He invited you somewhere? After barely talking to you? This is groundbreaking."

"Do you think Alexa will be there?" I worried. The last thing I needed was her wrath outside of school.

"Doubtful since they recently split. I say go for it!" urged Julia. "Get to know Luke outside of these halls."

My nerves mounted all afternoon. The final bell rang and I changed into a casual hoodie and jeans in the bathroom. I freshened up my makeup and spritzed on a little perfume. 

Heading outside, I immediately spotted Luke by a shiny black car surrounded by his friends. My legs shook as I made my way over. 

Luke broke into a wide smile. "Katie! You came. Hop in." 

I got into the backseat next to a nice girl named Sarah. She chatted with me about her photography hobby as Luke drove us to Antonio's Pizzeria downtown.

I smiled thinking that maybe fitting in here wouldn't be so impossible after all.