he's also my son

Finally, Yin handed Mrs Dong her gift and went to find Jinye so they could go home.... I trailed behind her... Jinye was sitting in the garden lost in thought.. yin stood observing him, when he noticed her, he turned to face her.. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to yell at you" he said.. she walked closer to him that was when he noticed Zhong.. "you again" he said.. Zhong shrunk hiding behind Yin.. "Husband.. I want him to stay with us" she said... Jinye sharply looked at her.. "Yin he can't stay with us.. all he will bring is bad luck" he said.. Zhong was about to cry.. "baby don't cry.. ok.. daddy loves you too... He just doesn't know how to show it" she said hugging Zhong... Jinye was trying not to loose his cool and hit the little boy... "Husband please" she begged.. but he was stubborn.. "fine then... But know that I'm taking him along with me" she said.. turning to Zhong she picked him up.. "baby let's go" she said walking away... "Baby wait" Jinye called.. but yin walked away.. "arrhg.. bad luck boy... Ever since yin met him, his bad luck has began to separate us.. now she doesn't want me" he said.. "it's all his fault.. he can't separate us... His bad luck won't work.. I'll go drive him from my house and stay with yin.. I know she's waiting for me at the car" he said.. getting up, he went to his car... But she was not there.. he tried calling her, but she kept on rejecting.. well now where did she go... I didn't follow her, so I didn't know... He called Yanjj asking him to look for Yin.... Well I know of a place she could take him.. I ran off and found myself at Dong mansion.. searching up and down, she was no where to be found.. so I went to her apartment with Nan Nan . And yess she was there... Settling with Zhong, she took him to shower and changed his clothes... "Well baby.. it's not an expensive clothe, but you will feel comfortable in it.. I used to buy kids clothes both genders and keep them you know " she said drying his hair... He was smiling... "Thank you " he said... She smiled.. kissing his cheeks she gave him a head massage and he fell asleep... She cuddled with him and passed the night.. the next morning... She got up and made him breakfast in bed.. after feeding him, she bathed him, got him ready and took him to the family mansion.. collecting his clothes, and uniforms she took him to school.. going back to her apartment, nan nan was home.. "what the hell did you do?"she questioned.. yin sighed, placing Zhong's things carefully... "Nan can you abandon your own flesh and blood?" She asked.. Nan shook her head in denial... Yin told her everything.. "as my bestie, I will help you hide.. but if your husband should find out, I'm not to be punished " she said.. yin hugged her and Nan went out to work... Yin stayed home, waiting for time to pick up her son... I went to the Dong mansion and Jinye was just wasted drunk... Yanji was sitting close to him, looking helpless at him.. "she really left me because of him" he said... He drank directly from the bottle.. expensive alcohol.. like damn.. he wastes 7 bottles just last night.. now he's still drinking.. "do you think yin will be happy if she sees you like this?" Yanji asked... " She will be mad" he said.. "then go freshen up, have a nap.. I'll continue to search for her" Yanji said.. Jinye who was wasted drunk staggered to his room.. "he's such a baby when it comes to his wife.. sighs.. now I have to tell Nan what's happening.." Yanji said then left.. reaching Nan nan's apartment, he knocked... Yin went to open the door and they both met . "Here you are" he said with a smile.. she let him in.. "you really did something to young master.. he's dead drunk.. not believing you actually left" he said... "I just want to reunite them.." she said.. "I know... No one can scott free after what you've done, but you are special.. he really loves you that he prefers to harm his health than to punish you " he said.. "is he ok.. how is he " she asked.. he did all that for her.... "I put him to bed.." he said.. "tell him I'll come back on one condition " she said.. he understood the condition she was going to put, so he left..

Now it was time to pick up Zhong... So she dressed up and went to his school... Reaching the school gate, she saw crowd of students.. going to check what happened, she found Zhong his uniform was stained with blood and the other child was holding his head crying.. she pushed through the crowd, but before she got there a lady slapped Zhong.. she rushed, turning the lady she slapped her twice against her face... Turning to Zhong, she hugged him.. "a..are you ok.. are you hurt.. what happened " she said checking him to find any wound or bruise.. kissing his cheeks, "I was so scared.. tell me what happened " she asked... But the lady she slapped pulled her hair... "Do you know who I am.. how dare you hit me" she said about to hit yin, but Zhong threw a stone at her.. "ahh you bastard " she yelled.. but yin slapped her again "dare call my baby a bastard again I'll cut off your tongue " yin threatened.. "who are you?" She asked.. "Dong Jinye's wife" she said proudly.. the woman burst out laughing.. "oh girl.. the young master can never marry someone like you " she said.. Yin smirked... "Should I call him over.. and when you confirm, what punishment should I give you " Yin said intimidating the lady.. but she pretended she was not scared " it's ok.. I don't need proof... But that bastard over there hit my son" the lady said..yin was about to hit her again, but her hand was held.. looking up, Jinye was the one holding it... "What are you doing.. you shouldn't do the dirty work babe.. let me handle it" he said... The lady shrank with scared eyes.. "young master please spare me.. that boy hit my son and I just wanted to teach him a lesson" the woman said... "Husband she hit my baby.. I can't let it slide" Yin said with a pout... He smiled looking at her lovingly.. "baby.. will you wait for me in daddy's car?" She said.. but he was scared so he shook his head.. but before she was about to persuade him, the parents and the kids were called to the principal's office... An elderly woman was sitting professionally.. looking younger than her age.. "Mr Dong, this is not the first time your son is hitting people" the principal started .. Jinye just looked at her.. now I studied him well.. his lips were a bit pale.. he wore glasses.. he had a visible red mark from his neck down.. but I couldn't see where it leads.. he was wearing his suit.. so I saw a little.. "talk to me directly.. not my husband" yin said.. Jinye didn't say it, but he was grateful she did that.. "he was suspended for hitting a kid and now this is the fifth time" she continued..... "Did you ask what happened?" Yin said.. "he doesn't talk" the woman said.. Yin smirked.. "baby can you tell me why you hit that kid" Yin said.. pointing to the boy who was being treated on his arm.. and head... "H.. he called.. he called me bastard" Zhong said.. "you... You little thing.. well I don't blame you.. I blame your mother.. you dared call my baby.. my little darling a bastard.. what are you then huh.. a saint for calling an innocent child names" yin said.. the woman was silent... Jinye observed yin.. the way she stood up and defended his son.. he loved her,but he loves her the more... "And you.. you also need to be suspended from work" yin said to the principal.. "oh no ma'am please it hasn't gotten to that" she said.. "you suspended my baby without knowing what happened, and I'll do the same to you.. I don't want to know why you didn't ask, I'll suspend you, and your salary for a whole year" yin said.. she turned to Jinye.. "husband can you do that for me" she said.. he just took out his phone.."anything my babe wants" he said.. the principal fell on her knees begging "please.. please have mercy.. I have a whole family of 6 to feed" she begged.. Yin smirked "baby should I suspend her?" Yin asked.. but Zhong shook his head.. "husband let her be.. " yin said... Jinye returned his phone. The woman began to thank them.. also apologizing for all her wrong doings.. "if Zhong is at fault, he should be punished.. but if you punish him without a reason.. I'll make sure you pay 10 folds" yin said walking out with Zhong... When she was out of sight, "baby.. you should not hit someone again ok.. if they did something to you, report to the teachers.. I don't want you to get hurt" she said.. "o.k" he said.. she smiled and kissed his nose.. "that's my baby " she said.. standing up, she bumped into Jinye's chest... "Thanks " she said turning to go, but he held her hand... Pulling her, he hugged her.. she tried to break free, but he pinned her to the wall... Then he claimed her lips.. she froze.. mmh.. she was struggling.. Zhong couldn't bare it, he began to hit Jinye on the leg.. "let go" he was saying.. Jinye being so done with him gently shoved him away and he fell.. yin rushed to him and picked him up.. "don't you dare lay your hands on my baby" she said and walked away with Zhong.. Jinye stood speachless.. then he ran after her.. "I'm sorry.. please come back home" he said.. holding her hand.. "fine.. only on one condition" she said.. "I know and I accept it.. he can stay as long as he doesn't get in my way" he said.. her eyes shone like stars.. she was beginning to succeed.. "she hugged Jinye.. "thanks husband " She said then she carried Zhong and kissed his nose then forehead.. "she didn't even kiss me " he mumbled feeling jealous.. Yin opened the back door for Zhong.. Jinye thinking she will sit in the other side, opened the door. But "thanks, but I'll sit with Zhong " she said.. he had no choice.. the he drove them home....


Hello peeps.. how are you doing.. well I'm not that good in writing angst... Buti hope I'm trying.. tell me what you think about this one..

Love you