Chapter 15

Ngoc Lam did not expect her homeroom teacher to call her parents last night to ask them for permission to let her participate with Van Thac in the play. Even the reason the teacher gave was clear and logical: Preparing time was limited, while there were only two students ready to play musical instruments currently, and even if they found accompaniment music online, they wouldn't have time to edit the sound. Meanwhile, hiring someone to do it would meet the criteria of the school's policy. It even took too much money, which might damage the funds of the class. She said that Ngoc Lam was the last one in the class who could play some instruments. If she participated, not only would she receive training points, but she would also receive a scholarship if the repertoire of her class won the first prize.

Ngoc Lam's parents repeatedly refused despite the reasons given by the homeroom teacher. They said Ngoc Lam's current achievements were enough to win a scholarship, so there was no need to participate in any events apart from studying. They expressed that they were worried about her studying getting interrupted because the participation in the class movement might take so much time. However, a suggestion from the teacher affected their steadfast point of view: Ngoc Lam would gain more opportunities to win large scholarship packages abroad if she had more achievements in school activities.

After all, a student considered for a scholarship abroad needs more than merely excellent scores in studying.

Ngoc Lam's mother told the homeroom teacher to discuss further with her daughter and then hung up. She sighed and looked at her with apologetic eyes. The story of the family planning to direct Ngoc Lam to study abroad was accidentally revealed by her mother to the homeroom teacher at the parent-teacher meeting at the beginning of the school year. The high school Ngoc Lam is studying in has an international association program for high school graduates. Only students with the most excellent training and highest graduation exam scores will have the opportunity to study abroad with full scholarships and accommodation expenses covered.

That was an excellent opportunity to support her academic transcript for her future, but music-

"What are you worried about?" Ngoc Lam's father reassured her mother, "Her school is not lacking in activities. Otherwise, she can join some clubs in school. How about speech competitions, English competitions, sports festivals, and charity activities? Our child is only in 10th grade, so there's much time left."

After talking to her mother, her dad looked at her.

"You can do whatever you want. If you don't like it, that's fine. As long as you meet the target to get a scholarship of over 75%, we will help you cover the rest of your expenses. Don't think too much about money."

Ngoc Lam looked at the lines at the corners of her parents' eyes. They were all getting older compared to themselves five years ago. She obediently said yes and then silently returned to her room. Her face seemed calm, but only Ngoc Lam knew that her heart was filled with countless thoughts.

Even though Ngoc Lam was once a legend, earning her parents a lot of money, they still chose to live in the old house, preserving old things so they could use them for a long time. Her family life was always simple and humble. Ngoc Lam knew her parents did not dare to waste any penny she had earned, but quietly saved it for her and her brothers' future. Her brother could earn some money by taking part in a competition team formed by the city authorities. But occasionally, he didn't give all the money to his parents but kept a little, bought them new clothes, or bought the whole family dinner in a restaurant despite his parents nagging him for not saving money. Looking at her brother, Ngoc Lam wanted to do something similar. She also hopes to have some money in her pocket to buy her mother a new radio to listen to music late at night and buy her father a new steam fan to use during the hot summer. At least, she wished she could win the best scholarship package so as not to burden her parents or let them use the money she had earned to give it all back to her.

That concern sinks Ngoc Lam in thoughts throughout the class the next day. Van Thac thinks she has deduced that this plan is related to him, so he remains nervous during the day. Looking at Ngoc Lam staying silent and not saying anything, he is even more afraid that she is getting angry at him.

Today, coincidentally, Mr Woods is also present at school. As an advisor for musical performances, he stops by to look at each class's plans and answers students' questions if they have any. Van Thac brings the revised music sheets and shows them to the teacher. There are two versions, one for two people, and another for three people.

Mr Woods carefully looks at each sheet of music. His eyes look at Van Thac. Feeling guilty about Ngoc Lam's story, Thac looks back at his teacher, smiles, and raises his hand to scratch behind his ear.

"Do you still want to convince Ngoc Lam?" Questions Mr Woods

"Yes," Thac politely replies

Teacher Lam gives Thac the sheets back and signals him to return to his class. As soon as he enters the classroom, the drama team surrounds him and asks about the situation. He briefly narrates that the teacher has approved. The whole group then breathe a sigh of relief and decide to stay at school that evening to practice the play.

Classes go on without any occurrence. No one expects when the recess bell rings, Ngoc Lam and Van Thac are called to the consulting room where Mr Woods is staying.

"Ngoc Lam," Says Mr Woods, as soon as he sees his old student walking in, "I don't want to bother you-"

"K and M are missing!" The teacher gives shocking news.

Ngoc Lam is shocked, too. She has never expected it to happen, while Van Thac standing behind her has no idea about the situation they are talking about.

"They… since when?" Ngoc Lam asks again

"Yesterday. K asked me the high school you went to, and they wanted to come see you" Mr Woods takes a deep breath, "Who would have thought that as soon as they arrived at your school this morning, the security guards suspected them planning to invade the school, so he chased them away."

"Have you called them yet?" Ngoc Lam tilts her head and asks.

"They left their phones in the Conservatory's office." Mr Woods' eyes darken.

"You need to help me find them" He assigns, "Thac, go with Lam. I will tell the school security to accompany you."

Ngoc Lam hesitates for a moment. The teacher realizes that and immediately tells her.

"Ngoc Lam, only you in this city can find K and M. I need your help."

Van Thac does not know who K and M are, but it seems they are related to Ngoc Lam's past. But why does Mr Woods act so mysterious? And why does he believe that only Ngoc Lam can find those two people?

And also…

Why has his classmate been looking at nooks and crannies like under benches, trash cans, and bushes?

Ngoc Lam finally finds out where the mentioned people are. They are in a small alley behind a restaurant. A Western couple, the wife with chestnut brown-red hair, and the husband with gray hair, are sitting there, huddling together.

"Here you are, K, M." Ngoc Lam calmly says

The couple also 'innocently' say "hi", but their eyes look at Ngoc Lam like a stranger until she leads them out of the alley.

"You are?" the woman asks

The two of them stand still for a moment to look straight at Ngoc Lam's face and then seem to realize something. The man quickly takes out a leather wallet from his pocket. It's a photo inside: A little girl holding a violin smiled brightly in the middle, on both sides were the couple and a few other people of all ages.

Van Thac glances at the photo. He recognizes the child in the middle of the picture as Ngoc Lam when she was young. But the Western couple is still confused. They keep lowering their heads to look at the photo, then raising their heads to look at the girl next to them, bending down again, looking up, repeating that continuously.

"Ngoc Lam?" both husband and wife are cautious.

"Yes," Ngoc Lam answers right then.

Their faces turn from disbelief to shock then back to pain.

"Ngoc Lam???" They cry, "No way! Why?"

Ngoc Lam stays there looking at them without the intention to move away. Van Thac can understand their reaction. Ngoc Lam many years ago was an innocent, bright girl, completely different from the calm, gloomy version of her today.

"Oh, my God!" The couple kneels in unison, causing passersby to turn and look with suspicion.

Van Thac wishes he could dig a hole and bury himself because of the embarrassing scene in front of him. He has just recognized this couple. The man's name is Karsci Moreau, a talented pianist, and his wife, Emmy Moreau is a violinist trying to become a conductor.

"Please, please stand up." Thac tries to squeeze out the English words in his brain.

"Mr Woods is waiting for you at school."

Hearing about Mr Woods, K and M no longer have a miserable performance. They then follow the two students and the security guard back to school with sad faces like down in the dumps.

"Ah, next time," K suddenly talks to Thac in Vietnamese, "Just use your native language. We can speak Vietnamese."

They both look at Thac with understanding eyes and nodding heads.

For some reason, they remind him of Luyen and Thuyen.