Appeared out of the Blue.

Life at Briggton High school, Brighton is as it is in the movies. The usual peace and quiet during classes and the uproar that follows during break...

The usual upper and lower class system. Funny how you get to know your peers by checking your pocket and comparing it with others'.

The usual roof top bullying, and the pitiful cries of the weak.

The usual girls' gossips and giggles, and the usual circle of the 'big boys' during lunch. The unmistakeable booming voice of the headmaster down the hall, rebuking wayward students and shouting "detention, boy, detention!"

All of what you will ever find in a high school movie comes to life at Briggton High, maybe more.

And of course, the usual sports and games. These piques the excitement of more than half the guys in this school. You can never run out of half giants in big basketball jerseys and bigger shorts, pulling up in gangs, always go on about how shitty the other plays.

There's also the volleyball team, the handball team, and the famous lacrosse team.

The tennis team has seen some improvement lately, and there are even new volunteers ready to practice the newly introduced sport, Archery.

All in all, Briggton High is an outstanding school and is arguably the best High school in Boston.

This is the school Jacq attends.

Being a boy who thinks the world of his solitude, he earned some peace in this environment as almost everybody is engaged in one activity or the other during break.

Therefore, he has no one he shares a good relationship with. Well, no one except Karl.

What a pathetic life he lives.

It was a Wednesday and the school is bustling with activities. The classes are empty save for Jacq. He sat hunched on his chair playing Age of Empires, a war strategy game, on his mobile.

He got tired of the game and stepped out towards the lacrosse pitch. The stands were full of cheering girls and they all seem to be chanting one name – Matt.

Jacq scoffed and mocked.

"Matt, the dickhead." He went off towards the far end of the stands where he sat and judged players and fans both.

On the pitch, Matt, swift and nimble on his feet dribbled past the opposition's defence and made a powerful strike that could have punched a hole in the net. Once again, the girls raised their tiny little voices and cheered.

"Dickheads on the pitch, assholes at the stands."

"This one is a proper hater..." A feminine voice interrupted.

Jacq looked back and was shocked to see Cassie, standing there in all her glory, observing the players on the field like she was on a scout mission.

"How long has she been standing there? Oh my fucking god!"

"Don't worry, I don't like them also," she continued. Her eyes, never leaving the pitch.

Jacq looked back once again. He can't believe the girl he's been stealing glances on in class and hoping to get to know – yet don't know how to – is right behind him starting up a conversation.

"But was she talking to me? Of course, idiot. Who else is here?"

But she's not looking at me.

Jacq's heart started beating fast. He turned his back to her and pretended he did not hear anything.


Cassie cleared her throat, signalling for attention.

Jacq looked back the third time. This time, her face looked down in his direction but her eyes were closed. She just stood there, firm and upright like a sculpture.

Then, she opened her big eyes.

"Holy shit!" Jacq rose from his seat in terror. He went three seats sideways to his right before he stopped.

He had just witnessed the bluest eyes he has ever seen. The color of her eyes puts the ocean to shame. Looking directly into her eyes gave Jacq the feeling of being scanned.

He has played many games and seen many movies that featured AI powered robots built in admirable shapes and the usual blue eyes, but none in real life.

She was a human he had liked and admired from afar, but in a split second, he cannot seem to let go of this robotic blue eyes of hers from his mind.

She's a robot? Those big blue eyes.

"You are a robot." He let his thoughts out. He's a little shaken.

"Hmm. That's a bold accusation." Cassie rolled her eyes.

"Yes, you are," Jacq voiced softly, half pointing now.

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are." He was still convinced. "Like EDI from Mass Effect. You are... You..." He stuttered.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "My hair's not in a Bob, see?"

"She knows about EDI? Good Lord..."

She continued. "Should I cut myself to prove it?" She's enjoying this.

"No please. I'll... I'll be on my way." Jacq scampered down the stairs, well away from Cassie before turning left towards the exit.

He heard her shouting for him to stop, but Jacq's having none of it. He walked faster and turned behind the lacrosse pitch, heading straight to the classroom.

Loser Jacq has just lost his first shot at hitting Cassie up.

"I'm not bothered. Mahn, that was scary. Her eyes were luminous. She..."


This is really not the time to come across Karl. Jacq quickened his pace hoping he'll be left alone. Little luck. Karl caught up.

"Hey buddy. You remember our deal? The shit-skating and Cassie-wooing deal?"

Jacq treaded on at a steady pace but said nothing. His head drooped as he walked.

"What's up with you, man? What's wrong?" Karl pressed on.

He walked a few steps faster than Jacq and stopped at his front.

Jacq is sweating.

"Hell man, what's wrong. You're sweating. You never sweat. Talk to me, what's wrong? You're nervous about talking to her? I get it. I get it."

"No..." Jacq whispered. "No... She... She..."

"She what? Talk to me, Jacq." Karl showed signs of discomfort.

"She... She's not real," he whispered again, still in shock.

"Whoooaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Karl howled out. He ran a few steps down the hall and back. And as if programmed, he stopped at once and went into a fit of laughter.

"The Almighty Jacques has been smitten by the beauty of a the fairest of ladies. Come all, witness the fall of this great man...!" He announced to the empty hall, amidst fits of hysterical laughter.

"Stop, Karl. It's not funny... I... I know what I saw. She..." Jacq was caught short again.

"... She was beautiful, right." He laughed for a little while again. "It's a wonder you've not seen her up close before.

"Where did you meet her?"

"At the lacrosse pitch. She walked up to me... And... And..." Jacq trailed off. The pitch was in action in his mind again. The sound of the giggling girls at his far right...

His own judgmental voice and a serene voice replying him. How his heart skipped a hundred beats when he saw who it was... She, just standing there looking at the pitch...

And when she looked down at him... Her eyes. Her big blue eyes...

"Jacq?" Karl has stopped laughing after he noticed his jokes are not connecting.

Jacq regained his composure and looked straight at his friend.

"You said you've seen her up close before?" I hope I'm wrong, Jacq thought to himself.

"Hell yeah." He replied with so much pride to his tone.

"Then, what's the colour of her eyes?" Jacq stared hard, unblinking at Karl.

Karl scoffed. "Easy. It's... He stopped. "Why are you asking about the colour of her eyes? You want to---"

"What is the colour of her eyes, Karl?" He asked again, louder this time.

"It's brown."

"Shit! Holy shit!"

Jacq ran into the class with a shocked expression. Karl was all the more confused, he was about to go after Jacq to understand what really happened with Cassie but his other friends from his basketball team came calling, pushing him out for training.

Alone in the classroom, Jacq was practically jittery. Strange thing about this act was that he wasn't shaking from fear of Cassie's ultra-blue eyes, he was just thrilled that something like that was supposed to exist as a human on Earth.

"If what Karl said was true, how did she change her eyes from brown to blue?"

"Oh my God, it was so blue..."

"And worst still, she knows about EDI from Mass Effect... I never expected someone like her to know one of my favourite movie character..."

Jacq was about to bring his headphone from his bag when he heard the classroom door opening, then closing.

He didn't care to see who the intruder was until the footsteps came slow and purposefully in his direction and a feminine voice said, "alone again, right?"

Jacq froze without turning because he knew who that voice belonged to. "Hmm hmm," he hummed as a way of saying 'yes, obviously, can't you see for yourself, you strange human?'

Cassie passed by Jacq and walked over to the table directly opposite him. She stopped and turned towards him, her eyes were scanning him vigorously. Surprisingly, her eyes have been turned to back to the normal brown colour, but Jacq stilled felt naked under her gaze.

"It's really you," she said.

"What?" Jacq croaked.

"IT'S REALLY YOU!" Cassie screamed angrily as her eyes instantly turned bright blue. It looked like it was going to launch some lasers at Jacq but nothing came forth. Jacq was shook to the bone.

The fear that took Jacq now is different. Before, he had been scared of talking to Cassie, later he became scared of her fictional blue eyes, now he was only scared of getting killed by her. Her sudden outburst scared him so much.

He still couldn't wrap his head around the change of eye colour like that. If somebody had tapped him and said he was in a VR game, he'd believe them. Why was he experiencing this of all people?

"Err, Cassie, I promise you I haven't done anything wrong to you. Will you turn your eyes back to normal? It's scary, yunno..."

Even though he sounded scared, he didn't look scared. Not anymore. That was how cool he can be under pressure.

And of course, Cassie switched her big eyes back to normal but still held her gaze.

"That thing in your house, why was it with you?" Cassie asked menacingly.

"What thing? There are many things in my house," Jacq replied.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!"

"No, I don't," he faked a smile.

"Okay, I don't even know why I'm stressing. We'll get it back anyways," Cassie said more to herself than to Jacq. She stepped out of the space between the table and the chair.

"...And make sure you don't mention this to anybody else, okay?!" she said while pointing to her eyes. "Well, you can do that if you wish. I don't even care, it's not as if anyone would believe you."

And just like that, she walked out of the classroom, slamming the door in her wake.

Jacq let out a sigh of relief, still trying to figure out what just happened. "why was she so angry? I don't have non' of yours in my house, girl. I don't even know you yet, goddammit!"

He dropped the headphone back into his bag, frustrated.

"Those eyes were cool though..."

The school bell rang.