Chapter 11

"Alright! Human scum! Our lord is so generous as to give you a choice! You can either live the rest of your dog life here as a battery, or you can become one of us and gain strength unimaginable!" The purple Shroom men shouted. His voice reverberated throughout the prison.

This voice confused the entire prison, after all, not once had they heard the monsters speak their language.

"So you are saying we can get out?" One of the eldest person asked. His body was now much thinner than when he came here.

"We can get out?" Another one asked.

"Yes! You can become one of the lord's servant and gain strength. You might even eventually outrank me!" The purple Shroom men answered.

"Me! I will join you!" One of the humans shouted, some of the newer ones prisoners glared at him like he was a traitor.

"Me too! I will join you!" Another one shouted. The prison eventually erupted from shouting, in the end, twenty of the three hundred people accepted to become a monster.

The guard brought the prisoners to the purple Shroom men.

"Very good, here, eat this and become one of us." He said, while throwing something towards them. They caught the item, a light Purple Heart that was still beating.

The prisoners ate the heart and soon they transformed. Their skins turned white, their hair turned into a cap, and their their eyes turned red.

"Haaa, I feel amazing." One of them said.

"I feel power coursing through my veins."

"Is this what it feels like to have power."

"Hahaha, you all turned out great, this is wonderful." The purple Shroom man said with a laugh.

One of the transformed human however seemed to have lost his mind, he charged at the purple Shroom man, his maw wide open and saliva dripping from his mouth.

"Weak." The purple Shroom man said, it then back handed it away, the transformed human was sent flying across the prison and it slammed into the walls, it then fell to the ground limp and unable to move.

"Just feed it to the guardian." The purple Shroom man said. The guards grabbed the transformed human and dragged it through the large gate to the outside. They then threw him into the forest, all the prisoners watched as the guardian, a drake, ate the the transformed human in a single breath.

They all saw the drake, ir radiated an aura of fear. The fear completely shattered their will to resist.

Suddenly, a pressure, so strong, even the drake kneeled before it. The newly transformed humans kneeled as did the purple Shroom man. All the guards and the prison keepers kneeled on their ground.

The prisoner were unable to move in fear, so they stood before a grand being that towers over all. The person was still outside, the walls and gates still hid the person as they slowly walked to the prison.

"My, you may all stand." A mature, but at the same time, very cute voice sounded out. The person who walked in was a… little girl?

The other day, when Alexander received his coupon. He immediately used it. He tore the coupon and a large wheel appeared before him. It spun at a very high speed, but it slowly slowed down.

Then when the wheel slowed down a bit, it then stopped. Landing on a small girl. She had antennas that reached for the sky's, large red eyes that looked like rubies, a body like a human but in some areas were covered in exoskeletons. She was like a large chimera of insects, having parts of all types of insects.

The girl from the picture then became real, appearing right in front of him.

[ Vasilissa Entomo

The 193,183,919th daughter of the being know as the insect queen. Although she is over a hundred years old, she is barely mature enough to lay eggs. Due to an incident when she was 69 years old, her chances of becoming a saint on her four thousandth birthday is only 40%.

E-rank ]

"What the fuck?" Alexander said. He once met another daughter of the insect queen in another realm. The daughter was a realm above saint, and the queen of insects were even stronger, apparently, everyday, the insect queen would spew a saint tier being every minute. He at that point just gave up trying to resist.

But that matters not, this was another daughter of the insect queen, from his senses, he can tell she was at at the advanced tier. Around seventh stage of advance. But that didn't really matter, what was important was her bloodline, her bloodline should allow she to fight against experts.

"Very good, my name is Alexander." He said with a bow.

"My name is Vasilissa Entomo, a daughter of the insect queen, and there is no need for you to use formality, master." She said with a bow even more bent.

"I see, may I ask what it is you wish to do?" Alexander asked, he didn't really do it for the bottom of his heart, but that he wanted to wait a bit, it would still take around a day before he could use the dungeon tide.

"I wish to lay some eggs." She said after she tapped her chin for a bit.

"What type?" Alexander asked.

"Blood beetle, Sandstone scorpion, and Rocky worms." She said with a cruel and large grin that showed dazed like teeth.

"May I asked why you are here malady?" The Purple Shroom men asked with his head on the floor as he bowed.

"Hmmm, let's see, I want that man with the orange hair, that girl with the blue hair, and that big man with the scar over his eye and nose." She said in a playful voice. It was like a girl in a store picking which toys she wanted. The guards got up and immediately opened the cages and dragged the three people to her. They forced them to kneel and went on their knees as well.

The pressure of her very existence kept them still and afraid. Sweat started to flow down their faces.

"Yes, these will do quite well." She said, her voice becoming more warped and less girly.

She straightened her fingers and held them together, like a spear or sword. She then thrust her hands into the chest of the large man. The man's skin started to quickly turned red. He fell to the ground and started to twitch.

"Yes, yes, it is working well." She said happily like she just finished drawing a master piece.

The other two wanted to rebell and retaliate but her pressure stopped them from doing so. She then did the same with the other two, their skin turned into different colors. All unnatural.

Suddenly, the large man's chest started to move and twitch. Then something pierced the skin from within. More beings started to exit the body, large beetles, each the size of a human fist to a human arm.

The same thing happened with the other two bodies, worms and scorpions burst from the bodies of the humans. The insects started to eat the corpse of the hosts. It only took ten minutes for them to do so. The three corpses were completely gone, not even blood remained.

"They grew quite well, don't you think so?" Vasilissa asked the purple Shroom man.

"Yes! They grew very well!" It shouted.

"Okay, I might come back in a few days, please be sure to capture lots of hosts. She said with a demonic smile on her face. She then left.

The small insects which were no longer very small, they had grown in size, this is one of traits of some insects, the ability to increase maturity by eating a powerful being. They had all increased in size by around 20%, not only in size, but the strength as well, they turned from the first stage of basic to the third to fifth stage of basic.

These abilities made her one of the most dangerous being in all of existence. After all, if she could have a whole city to herself, she could probably take over the whole region in a few weeks.