Chapter 16

I will place the second dungeon now." Alexander stated. A giant globe appeared before him, he moved the globe before he reached New York City, he then zoomed in on a place, a very traffic heavy place, Central Park.

He pressed the place dungeon. He then was showed a few option of floors and monsters before the dungeon was placed.

[ Great Plains

A large flat land covered in tall grass, the sun will shine and the wind will always blow.

Price: 500 ]

[ Great Lake

A large lake surrounded by a large forest. Monsters of both land and water are viscous and very bothersome.

Price: 1,000 ]

[ Steep Mountains

A giant mountain range, it pierces the sky and clouds. Monsters here blend well with the snow and are very strong and powerful.

Price: 1,500 ]

"Great Plains." He ordered. The then started to look through the monsters he would place.

He then found a few that would suit the theme quite well, Dire Wolves, Earth Bison, Giant Snake, long deer, Vicious Rabbit, Super Lion, Long tusk boar, insect swarm, Goblins, etc. These monsters would bring a great amount of pain to anyone, these are just from basic to intermediate, but none of them have high quality bloodlines, so they can't even compare to the monster in the forest.

But in response there will be much more of them. Using his dungeon point he bought all of them, and using them he created another dungeon.

While it was peaceful for Alexander, people in New York were losing their minds. In the middle of Centeral Park a giant hole started to appear. The hole devoured a large portion of the park, from that hole a giant tower appeared. It reached well over fifteen stories tall, covered in runes and magic.

From the base of the tower the floor flattened and the gates to the tower opened, revealing a large portal that just spun with mysterious powers.

"Is the earthquake over?" Someone asked.

"I think."

"Tower! There is a large tower!" Someone shouted. People looked around and saw a tower in the middle of Central Park. One that was not there before.

"Is this like the novels, like the towers that are dungeon?" Someone asked.

"Are you crazy, of course this is the work of quirks."

"But think about it, people being born with powers, what's to say that there are not video game dungeons."

"Yea, I hope this is a dungeon."

"Let's go." Someone said as they started to rush towards the dungeon tower.

People started to follow them. It soon became a large crowd. But by then a the heroes were there, searching the area. Ensuring nothing else happened.

"Calm down, everyone, we are searching the area for anything dangerous, for your safety, please leave immediately." One of the heroes shouted. But that was drowned out by the yells of the people.

They saw the portal and immediately rushed in. They then found themselves in a large plain, full of grass and life, the towering buildings that covered the sky before was no where to be seen. They could see nothing but the plains and sky as well as each other.

Rustling noises came from the tall grass. It was too tall for people to see properly. They then ran into… another person.

"I thought you are another monster." One of them sighed.

"Me too." The person said.

Suddenly another rustle sounded out. The grass moved around and appeared… another human. Covered in blood with a knife stuck in his stomach.

"Holy shit! What the fuck!?" One of them shouted.

"Help." The person huffed. He was pale and his body was exhausted.

More rustling noise was heard from behind.

"Kikiki." The sound was like a goblin. One of the person used his quirk and created a blade from his arm. Soon a monster jumped from the grass.

It was a small green thing, ugly beyond compare and hideous beyond comprehension. It was like an old man's distorted face with a witch's nose on the body of a malnourished child. It was a goblin.

The man used his arm blade and stabbed the goblin in the stomach. But that didn't stop it, it grabbed onto the sides of the blade and pulled itself forward, and tried to attack the person, but it died first. It turned to light and entered the body of the killer.

"Holy fuck, that was a goblin right, it looked like the one from the novels and mangas." The person who had their arms turned into a blade said.

The other person was using his quirk to patch up the wound of the injured person.

"I think, maybe this is like a manga or novel." He replied.

More rustling noise appeared in front of them. The man tried to use his quirk and create more blades, but he couldn't make much more.

A large amount of goblins started to appear, a small group of five. They had weapons, spears, shields, knives, clubs, and daggers.

"Fuck." The man said, he used his quirk and slashed. The killed the first goblin, but the second one blocked the attack with its shield. The man then slashed the goblin from the other side, killing it.

The goblin with a spear thrust his spear at the human, but he managed to dodge the attack and slashed the goblin, killing it.

The one with the club and another with the dagger attacked. Using his blades he slashed the throats of the goblins. They died by they managed to stab the person's arms. Causing some bleeding.

But the lights of the goblins entered the body of the man, helping in healing his small wound.

"What, my wounds healed, maybe this is the sign that I have leveled up or, something." The man said.

"Sure. Maybe the wound just wasn't as deep as you thought." The man replied.

Suddenly more rustling started to resound.

The three people looked at the origins, they saw twenty people all together. Working in sync.

"Hey, we are here." They shouted. The twenty people turned towards them. They walked to the other group and started to talk.

"So what happned so far?" The man with the ability to turn his body into blades asked.

"Oh, we learned that one of us leveled up." One of the person said.

"What is it like?" The man asked.

"First, pain fills your body and mind, you will fall to the ground. Then the pain disappears and you are completely fine. Then you notice that you are stronger and better, lastly you learn that there is a core like thing in your chest that gathers power." The man said.

"See, you didn't level up." The person who could heal said.

"Alright, no need to rub it in." The man said.

"To the right! We are under attack." Someone shouted. They went to the right and saw a giant, well, not really a giant, it was like a goblin, but large, it's body was now like an bodybuilder's, large and muscular, it carried a large club on its shoulder and continued to walk.

A hobgoblin.