Black Feather City

The drive to Black Feather City was long, and by the time Jack and DL arrived, they were both starving. After cruising around the city for a while, DL spotted a small, quaint restaurant on the corner of a bustling street. The sign read "The Traveler's Plate", and Jack raised an eyebrow.

"Looks cozy," DL said, pulling into the lot. "Let's try something new."

They got out of the car and entered the restaurant, the smell of fresh spices and sizzling dishes instantly hitting them. It was a mix of cuisines from all over, the menu written in chalk on a large board near the entrance.

Jack scanned the menu. "What do you think? Something adventurous?"

DL smirked. "Always. Let's see… never had snake stew before. Or, ooh—fried tarantula?"

Jack made a face, clearly amused but also slightly horrified. "You're joking, right?"

DL laughed. "Nah, it's right there on the menu. 'Delicacies of the Wild.' You scared?"