The Recording

Elaine looked at Hailey and asked. "Is that it?" Hailey nodded her head in response. "Yes, I remember just throwing it and running away to try and find mom in time. The people acting like terroritsts already infiltrated the palace way before that point and she was gone before I even managed to leave this place."

As Elaine walked forward and picked up the crystal, she muttered. "I never understood how the Altax just waltzed into the palace unimpeded. Their horns and tusks would have been a dead giveaway."

Hailey sighed as Elaine said that and just as she pressed play, Hailey mumbled. "Because they weren't Altax." 

After activating the crystal, a projected image was now floating above it and in it was Hailey roughly 10 years old fiddling with the crystal. Elaine wanted to comment on how cute Hailey looked as a child, but the seriousness of the situation did not call for it.