AN: OOOH, I still managed to upload it within the day. So I count that as a safe. 😂
Update. Latest chap on Patreon and KoFi is 131.
Still can't believe that we've come this far. And another novel is at works.
AN: IDK about the travel time, and I don't want to overthingk it, let's just think they're super rich, and had private planes or something.
Anton LaVey had never been more certain of one thing in his life: he was way out of his depth. Sure, he'd built a reputation as the big-shot leader of a Satanist movement, but as he crouched behind the bar with his martini trembling in his hand, he realized something very important: no amount of philosophical debate or edgy rituals prepared you for two men punching each other through solid stone walls.
It had started innocently enough. Anton had brought a well-dressed, pale-skinned man with striking red eyes to meet Marilyn Monroe, hoping to score some points with Hollywood's most dazzling star. The man, who introduced himself as "just a fan," had donated a hefty sum to Anton's cause. Anton figured he'd made a savvy business move. That was until the hulking figure of Jatix Forrester-Stein exploded into the club like a god of war unleashed from the heavens.
Marilyn sat calmly, her elegant fingers still tracing the edges of her pendant. She raised an eyebrow as the vampire leaned forward.
"I must say, Miss Monroe, your pendant… it's quite—"
The vampire went flying across the room, crashing through an antique wooden table and slamming into the stone wall like a ragdoll. Dust and splinters filled the air. Marilyn jumped to her feet, her heels clicking against the marble floor as her eyes darted between the newcomer and the man who had just appeared out of nowhere.
"Jatix?" she said, confused. "What the—"
The were-griffon cracked his knuckles, his white hair catching the low light like a halo, and stalked toward the recovering vampire. "Now, I know Robin taught me to handle things diplomatically, but diplomacy's gonna have to wait until I beat the truth outta you."
The vampire groaned, brushing debris off his pristine suit. "What is wrong with you?" he hissed, his Italian accent dripping with annoyance. "I was simply trying to—"
Jatix's fist collided with the vampire's jaw, sending him skidding across the floor. Anton, peeking over the bar, squeaked and ducked back down. Marilyn stood frozen, her brain barely processing what was happening.
"What are you two?" she shouted, her voice rising over the sound of stone crumbling. "And why are you wrecking this place?"
Jatix didn't bother answering. He grabbed the vampire by the collar and hoisted him up like a sack of potatoes. "I ain't in the mood for games. Who sent you? Why are you sniffing around NJ?"
"I wasn't sniffing!" the vampire protested, trying to free himself. "I was merely—"
Jatix slammed him onto the bar, cracking the polished surface in half. Anton yelped from his hiding spot.
"Stop hitting him for one second and tell me what's going on!" Marilyn shouted, her patience snapping.
Jatix glanced at her briefly, his golden eyes narrowing. "NJ, darling, you ever hear the phrase 'need-to-know basis'? This here's one of those situations."
"That's not an answer!" she yelled.
The vampire groaned again, his limbs twitching as he tried to stand. "Miss Monroe," he rasped, ignoring Jatix looming over him. "Your… mother… Robin… she's—"
Jatix kicked the vampire square in the chest, sending him soaring across the room. "What did I just say about keeping your mouth shut?"
Marilyn threw up her hands. "Will someone please explain what's happening?!"
The club turned into a war zone. Tables shattered like matchsticks. The stone columns holding up the ceiling crumbled as the two men—if they could even be called men—tore into each other. Jatix moved with animalistic grace, dodging the vampire's retaliatory strikes and delivering devastating blows that sent shockwaves through the room.
The vampire managed to land a few hits of his own, one punch sending Jatix crashing into the bar. Anton, who had been quietly hyperventilating behind it, scuttled away like a frightened crab.
"Why are you so strong?" the vampire spat, his fangs glinting in the dim light.
"Why are you so chatty?" Jatix shot back, lunging forward and grabbing the vampire by the throat. He slammed him into the ground, leaving a crater in the marble floor.
Marilyn flinched at the sound, clutching her pendant tightly. "You're not human. Either of you!" she accused, stepping back toward the shattered remnants of a couch. "What are you?"
The vampire struggled under Jatix's grip, glaring up at him. "She deserves to know the truth! Robin—"
"Robin this, Robin that," Jatix growled, cutting him off with a brutal punch that broke the vampire's nose. "You're like a broken record, man. Learn some new material."
Marilyn gasped. "Wait—Robin? My mother? What does she have to do with this?"
Jatix hesitated for a fraction of a second, just enough time for the vampire to twist out of his grasp and attempt to flee.
"Oh no, you don't!" Jatix roared, pouncing like a lion on prey. In a flurry of claws and fists, he pinned the vampire again and methodically tore off his limbs one by one, ignoring the creature's screams of rage and pain.
Breathing heavily, Jatix stood over the now-limbless vampire, who was writhing helplessly on the ground.
"Anyone got a belt or a scarf or somethin'?" Jatix asked, glancing around.
Marilyn, pale and shaking, dug through her purse and handed him a silk scarf. Jatix tied it tightly around the vampire's mouth, muffling his protests.
She crossed her arms, her voice trembling. "Now will you tell me what's going on? Who are you, who is he, and why was he talking about Robin?"
Jatix gave her a look as if contemplating the pros and cons, but in the end he looked like he was saying 'To hell with it'.
Jatix sighed, running a hand through his white hair. "Alright I'm not really under oath or under thier rule, so... NJ, here's the short version: That pale fella is a vampire from some fancy European coven. He was sent by his boss to check out your pendant because it's got ties to your other mother, Robin."
Marilyn blinked. "Wait… what?"
Jatix shrugged, dusting off his hands. "It's complicated. You'll get the full story soon enough, though."
"How soon?" she demanded.
Jatix gave her a weary look. "As soon as your mother, who went out to buy milk years ago, finally decides to come home."
Marilyn stared at him, her mouth opening and closing like a fish. "She—what?"
"Yeah," Jatix said, picking up the squirming vampire like a bag of trash. "You'll see. Now let's get outta here before the cops show up."
In the background, Anton peeked out from behind the bar, muttering, "I'm too old for this."
The exclusive club was in ruins, a modern art masterpiece of destruction. Chunks of marble and wood littered the floor, the air was thick with dust, and Anton LaVey was still clutching his gin bottle like it was a lifeline.
In the middle of it all, Jatix stood victorious over the armless and legless vampire. Marilyn Monroe, however, wasn't feeling particularly victorious.
"What the hell is going on?" Marilyn demanded, pointing a shaking finger at the wreckage.
Jatix scratched the back of his head. "Well, NJ, it's a long story—"
Before he could finish, the vampire, still lying in a heap on the floor, moved with supernatural speed even in his state. His fangs sunk into Marilyn's arm before Jatix could react.
Marilyn screamed, clutching at her arm as the vampire clung to her like a parasite.
"GET OFF HER!" Jatix roared, kicking the vampire so hard he flew across the room and crashed into the wall.
The vampire groaned, his body crumpling to the floor, but Jatix ignored him. He was too busy kneeling beside Marilyn, who was now pale and trembling. Dark veins were already beginning to spiderweb up her arm, spreading from the bite wound.
"Shit," Jatix muttered, his golden eyes wide. "No, no, no. This is bad. This is really bad."
"What's happening to me?" Marilyn whimpered, clutching at Jatix's shirt as tears streamed down her face.
Jatix grimaced, his mind racing. He'd heard stories from Robin—stories about what happened to humans bitten by vampires. The transition was agonizing, and there was no stopping it once it started.
"Look, NJ, I need you to trust me, okay?" Jatix said, his voice unusually soft.
"Trust you?! You're a man who just beat up a vampire in a satanist club coming out from nowhere, I thought you were just some rich part owner of the agency I signed with! Why should I—"
Before she could finish, Jatix pressed a finger to a pressure point on her neck. Marilyn's eyes fluttered shut, and she slumped unconscious into his arms.
Jatix exhaled, carefully laying her down on the least-damaged piece of furniture in the room—a chaise lounge that somehow survived the carnage.
"Robin is going to kill me," he muttered, running a hand through his wild hair. "Shit, I'm so fucked."
Anton, who had been hiding behind the bar this entire time, finally peeked out. "Uh… so… does this mean she's gonna turn into a vampire? Because if so, I'd still like to—"
"Anton, shut up!" Jatix snapped, shooting him a glare.
Two Days Later
The sound of tires crunching on gravel echoed through the estate as a sleek black car pulled up in front of the mansion. The vehicle was as luxurious as it was imposing, with tinted windows and a custom crest embossed on the doors.
Robin stepped out first, her presence commanding as always. She wore a tailored black suit paired with an aura of cool indifference, but her sharp green eyes betrayed the storm of emotions simmering beneath.
Rosalie followed, looking effortlessly glamorous despite the situation. Her hair was styled to perfection, and she adjusted her designer sunglasses with a practiced flick of her wrist.
"Well," Rosalie drawled, glancing up at the sprawling mansion. "You've outdone yourself with this place, Robin. How much of this is old money, and how much of it is questionable money?"
"Not the time, Rosalie," Robin replied, her voice tight.
They were greeted by Nasu, who stood stiffly at the mansion's entrance. His usual calm demeanor was replaced by a grave expression that made Robin's stomach sink.
"What happened?" Robin asked, her tone sharp as a blade.
Nasu hesitated, glancing between Robin and Rosalie before answering. "There's… been an incident."
Robin's jaw tightened. The air around her seemed to crackle with tension as she exchanged a glance with Rosalie.
"What kind of incident?" she pressed.
Nasu lowered his gaze. "You need to see for yourself."
Robin closed her eyes briefly, dread pooling in her chest. Please don't let this be what I think it is.
Rosalie placed a comforting hand on Robin's shoulder, but her smirk betrayed her amusement at the situation. "Well, darling, looks like your milk run just got a lot more complicated."
Robin didn't respond. She simply stepped forward, her heels clicking ominously against the marble as she followed Nasu inside, the weight of what awaited them pressing down on her like a storm cloud.
AN: one chap down. More to come, thanks to all of your support. It' s amazing that you're all still here, like fr... My asshat of a brain is telling you have no choice coz you've already gone this far 🤔😂. (Elmo doing the pose with fire in the BG gif)
Anywho, for those who want to send some support, be a patron on KoFi member, links are bellow, for the discord, you can comment
that you wanna join, and I or some of the friends we already have there will send you the link. Were all harmless! 😶😌