
"After all, this is something not even a descendant from a medium size noble family can hope to achieve, even the current royal family none of their descendants have achieved such feats yet! I won't be surprised if the inner circle changed their opinion about you for the better."

"But if there is no one who can match up to my talent in the inner, isn't that a bad thing?"

Bruce looked at Ainz for a moment, before he took a deep breath and answered.

"Actually, it's both good and bad, bad because there were already some parts of the inner circles who had tried to kill you by setting a trap for you with the Gray family escort mission. Same time it's good, because this time your value has increased further, and maybe the inner circle's opinion will be divided for the better."

"But if my value has increased so much, doesn't that mean they will try to kill me because they will see me as a bigger threat now?"