Starting Of Destruction

"What do you mean by that?" Idom was confused. Is he also a follower of Udnih?

"I am not a follower of Udnihsm. I am the Guardian of Udnihsm."

"...." Once again, Idom was speechless, not expecting to hear things like that. "There is nothing about you in sacred texts of Udnihsm."

"That is because I do not want to be associated with any religion at all. I am the Guardian of Udnihsm because your founder was successful in making a deal with me."

Idom furrowed his brows. He was surprised to hear about the founder. "Our religion founder? Is he also a god? Is he still alive?"

Zigeyr stared at Idom with an annoyed face, but still answered," Your founder was a god. He was not very powerful, but was very smart. We agreed on a deal where I would protect your religion for 50,000 years and in return the followers will worship as one of their gods. In fact, many of the incident in your sacred texts are connected to me, but I am not mentioned."

"Is he still al-" Idom was about to ask more questions but Zigeyr interrupted," All right enough of your questions. Now back with the nation, a total of 3 states have been captured by Malsic terrorist. What's important is to take back all the states and destroy them"

Idom nodded as he started to adjust his mind to form plans. "My plan is that first we will send our armi-"

"Wait, what are you saying? What plans?" Zigeyr again interrupted with annoyance.

Idom looked at him with confusion," Aren't we going to make plans to take our states back and defeat the Malsic terrorists?"

Zigeyr smiled and said," You seem to have mistaken. It's not 'we', it's 'me'. If I rely on you humans to defeat the terrorist, then you will take a pathetically long time."

"So, how long will you take?" Idom asked with dissatisfaction. The feeling of humiliated is not good.

"hehe, it's seem that you have been thinking of me as a minor god, but child I am one of the strongest god out in the universe. From the time I step on your land, I had already saw the whole country and all terrorist bases."

Idom eyes slightly widened. He was indeed underestimating Zigeyr. Though he is a follower of Udnihsm, but he follows the path of enlightenment. He just focuses on enlightening himself from words of gods and saints. He did not know how strong a god is. Well, it would be right to say that no human know it. They have just read some minor feats done by gods.

" I have already sent my subordinates to destroy all terrorist. It won't take them more than an hour to kill every single one of them. You just have to sit and wait for my orders."

"Can I see it happening?" Idom requested to Zigeyr. He still couldn't believe that the terrorists that he was trying so hard to kill are going to be destroyed in just an hour.

"All right" Zigeyr snapped his fingers and many screen projections appeared on air showing a footage of many terrorists bases.

But there were some little dots like things coming from the sky in all screen. They were coming at very high speed. After some time, they were close enough that the terrorist at the base were able to see them. They quickly informed their leaders, and they were ready to confront them.

But soon their face paled as they were able to clearly see what was coming.

"W-what are they!"



Though they were screaming to run, but they were not able to as their legs were unable to work due to fear. What was coming was hordes of monsters with humanoid figures.