Preparation for war

After Zigeyr completely disappears, Idom sighs and poured water in his glass. Today was a very exhausting day. Who would have thought that gods do really exist.

"According to his words, the gods seem to be sleeping? And they are going to awaken. But if all the gods are sleeping then why is he awake..... Too many mysteries."

He was drinking water when suddenly a voice sounded from behind him,

"Oh, I forgot to tell you to start preparing for a war." Zigeyr with a smiling face appeared behind him.

"Poofffff, *cough* *cough*" Idom, who was suddenly called out from behind, spilled all the water and started coughing. He silently stared at Zigeyr face. 'He must be doing it intentionally.'

"Well, no, I was not doing it intentionally and even if I was, you are not in a position to complain. And yes, I can read your pathetic mind."

Idom's mouth twitched as he refrains from thinking anything bad about Zigeyr. " What do you mean by preparing for war?."

"You ask too many questions. I am going to absorb other countries to one single entity. So just be happy and start preparing, I am only giving you 5 months."

"B-but, if we do that, our image in internation community will be tarnished. We will be seen as conquerors and power hungry."

"Ha, do you really think that those things are going to matter when the gods will awaken. The principals and values will not matter when all the gods will awaken. At that time, all the nations will be in war."

Idom was thinking very intensely. They will be condemned by the world if they start a war, and he does not want the world to think of Aidni as an aggressor nation." Even if we attack them, we might not be able to win. The internation communities will probably support the defenders. We might also get defeated."

"Don't worry, I will intervene. The war will end in less than 5 months."

After much thinking, Idom agreed and the preparation for war started.

Nijieb City, Anihc Nation

Back at his penthouse apartment, Zigeyr was on the roof of his apartment looking down on the ground with his blue helicopter behind him, which miraculously reappeared on the roof. The pilot exited the helicopter and walks near Zigeyr.

"Go and awaken them." Zigeyr order with his never changing smile. He was quite excited about the war that he was going to start. Their screams, their wails, ahh, it will be a feast after so many years of silence.

"gokk goagh." The lifeless pilot opened his mouth and said two words with a completely unrecognizable language. His voice was as his vocal word was greatly damaged, and he could not speak other than saying these gibberish words. Those words roughly translate to 'Yes, Lord'. The pilot returns to the helicopter and took off to the place where 'they' were sleeping.

"Come to think of, this country is also one of the enemy of Aidni, huh." Zigeyr smile widen as he thinks about the actions he should do to transform the world to his wish. He returned to his inside of apartment.

Near the apartment, there was a small park made for the children's to play. There were 5 children's lying on the ground without any breath. Suddenly, the blood started to flow from all parts of their body as they suddenly come back to life only to scream and die again.