
The heavy rain continued. The moon was still hidden, and the stars refused to be seen. The mountain is to seem to be devoured by darkness. Without any flashlight, there is very little that could be seen.

A man walked the mountain towards his friends and allies. There was blood dripping from the place where it should be his right eye. Even with his right eye being gouged out, he seems to be very calmly walking without any hurry.

He eventually reached the tent. He could hear the laughter and joy of soldiers inside it. There are total of 15 soldiers patrolling on the foot of the mountain.

He walked inside the tent and closed it. Once again, the screams woke the birds on the trees. The scream continued for about 5 minutes. Then the tent opened and all the soldiers inside it exited it one by one.

They all had blood dripping from the place where their right eye should be. Without any discussion, they walked towards the top of the mountain just like zombies.

At the top of the mountain, the scientists were still discussing the new type of energy they had found. Milo was an introvert scientist. He did not have many friends he could talk to. Moreover, he was still single and unmarried. He only likes to research and research.

There were many tents set up beside the one where the scientist resides. It was for soldiers. Like the soldiers on the foot of the mountain, they were also talking and discussing life.

Inside one of the tents, the soldiers were playing TDFS game. Suddenly, the zipper of the tent started unzipping. Someone was trying to enter the tent. The soldiers did not react much. It could be their colleague coming in for some business.

The tent gate opened, and a soldier walked in. It was a normal soldier with both of his eyes. He looked at the soldiers inside and asked, "Hey, do you have extra bottles of water. Our pack of water has been drank by all those hippopotamuses."

"Haahaaa, you dare call your group of soldiers hippopotamuses? If I am correct, then Fin that gorilla is in your group, right? Be careful that he do not get heard of this word."

The joy and happy moments continued as a soldier passed two bottles to the soldier.

"Thank you, enjo---"

He was unable to complete his words as a hand pierced through his right eye from behind.

All the activity in camp was frozen. Everyone stared at the now half blind soldier. They were unable to process what just happened. They were just talking with this soldier and an arm pierced his right eye. Even the pierced soldier was frozen at this surprise.

Suddenly, the soldiers processed what has happened, and again the screams filled the environment.

This time, it alerted everyone at the mountain. The scientist and the soldiers all come out of their tents to see a horrifying scene. There were many soldiers with their right eye gouged and blood dripping from it. Everyone was frozen for some seconds before the sound of firing filled the silence. A soldier who was inside the tent fired at the pierced soldier and the soldier who gouged the former eyes.

The pierced soldier died in an instant and collapsed, but the one behind it only took some steps back. It seems that the bullets are not very effective against these beings. Many of the eyes-gouged soldier entered the camp and the bloodbath started once again.

"GO, BRING THE GUNS!" A soldier seemingly their leader screamed and fired at the eyes-gouged soldiers. The scream woke many of the frozen peoples, and all the soldiers ran back to the tent to take their gun.

The scientists quickly started running down the mountain, with some soldiers protecting them from behind.

But it was not only scientists that were running. The eyes-gouged soldiers also started running at the scientists and soldiers to quickly kill them and turn them like themselves. The newly died soldiers, after few seconds also turn into these monsters.

It seems as a virus has descended upon the mountain. Whoever get their right eye gouged will turn into these monsters. Bullets can only help them to slow these monsters down. The final outcome is death.

The earth was filled with red blood and many eyes. The moon seemed to reveal itself a little and the stars started to come back into sight.

After some minutes only, the place was only filled with eyes-gouged soldiers and scientists.

"Certainly the most beautiful sight ever since I woke up." A boy who was sitting on a branch of a tree jumped and walked towards the group.

The reason Zigeyr came here was as everyone can think. The reason was the energy emitted by the mountain. It was not any weapon that was emitting this energy, but rather it was emitted by a god.

"It does surprise me a bit that you can wake up this fast. In my scenario, I had imagined you to wake after some 5 months from now on." Zigeyr bypassing the soldiers and scientists came above a spot where the concentration of energy emitted was the most.

"Since you are going to wake up in some days already, you should wake up right now." Zigeyr lifted his leg and struck it against the ground....slowly.

The mountain started to shake, and a huge crack started to form which separated the Zigeyr and the other side of the mountain. The mountain eventually split into two and both of them stood like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Between these two mountains a being was in a curled position with his eyes closed floating in air.

She looked like a girl with the height of 10 years old human. Normal humans can't see the aura which surrounded her. The aura itself was strong enough to destroy a huge metropolitan building.

Her eyes which were closed until now opened slowly. Her left eye was blue while the right one was black.