New Policies and The Beginning of Wars

Then a new canvas magically appeared on the boy's hand. It looks like he is going to paint more. But when the boy stretched his hand to paint, the canvas suddenly exploded. The boy looked at Zigeyr,

"I..... I W-want t-to p-paint." The boy spoke those words like a baby who has just started to speak.

"I have already allowed you to paint once. Now, just quietly stay here." Zigeyr waved his hand and many chains appeared from the void and headed towards the boy. They bound the boy's hands, legs and even got into his body to bind his soul, ignoring the body muscles. The rest of the chains also bound the brush the boy was using.

 Seeing that he had returned to the situation he was before painting, the boy's face changed into vicious. He used all his strength to lift his hand towards his brush, but in the end, his physical strength was just at the realm of God King. How could it defeat the Chains of Chaos?

The boy screamed and even tried to retrieve the brush back into his soul, but the chains were already binding both the boy and the brush soul, and thus it was but an unsuccessful attempt. The brush was a part of the boy's soul, and thus he was always able to retrieve and take out it from his soul, but he couldn't do that with the chains binding both them.

With the Chains of Chaos absorbing the boy's energy, the boy soon got tired and stopped resisting. Zigeyr looked at the boy and reassured him, "You don't have to worry about not being able to paint. Soon, I will let you paint as much as you want."

With that, Zigeyr vanished, and silence returned to that confined space.


On the streets of Nijieb City, Anihc Nation, Zigeyr was walking with a packet of Lays in his hand. Beside him was Ked walking behind him.

"Master, we have already incorporated the 3 neighboring nation around the Aidni Nation. Should we continue annexing other nation?" In the recent days, many important political events had happened and Aidni is the center of them. The multiple sanctions of internation community have crippled the economy of Aidni, but with the help of the six Quasi-Supreme Gods, there will never the shortage of anything in the nation.

"No, what you have to do from now on is to impose the ban on other religious practices and force the people of the nation to follow the Udnih religion. Anyone found practicing other religions will be tortured and executed along with his family. And from now on, the people of Aidni cannot migrate to any other nation. If they migrate, then the same punishment will be followed."

Ked was flabbergasted, hearing Zigeyr words. "Master, don't you think this is too much for the nation right now. If we impose these policies, then there will be multiple rebellions and the loyalty and faith of the peoples will start faltering."

Zigeyr, calmly, continued eating the lays and explained to Ked,

"Though, you are right about these things but if we did not impose these policies then all the war the nation have fought will be in vain. There will be rebels even if we did not impose these policies, and the peoples of the annexed countries will still follow the same religion they were following. If we had much time, then we could have waited til the peoples start shifting to new religions, but we don't have time at all. That's why these policies are the best thing to do right now. It doesn't matter if they have no faith or loyalty towards the Udnih Gods. Their prayers will still work to give some little energy to those sleeping ones."

Ked listened attentively to Zigeyr. He nodded at the latter's word. The reason was true. After awakening, many other gods will certainly implement these things on their nations. But Ked knew that there is one more thing that Zigeyr will get by implementing these policies. The rate of rebellions will increase. The peoples will protest. There will be religious fight between peoples. Many will die. And all of these will mean that there will be chaos in the whole nation. And this chaos will help Zigeyr to recover his strength more quickly. Though, the strength of nation economy and many other things will be affected, but the nation will not fall because of the support of six Quasi-Supremes.

Aidni nation has long changed. From the time, Zigeyr met with prime minister, it was inevitable that the nation is going to change in the future. Now, The Aidni nation is no longer a nation but rather something like theocracy. The only difference is that the one governing the nation is not a priest, but the god itself. It is obvious that the Udnih religion is more ahead than the other religions whose gods are not even awakened, but it is still unknown which religion in the end will win and rule the earth.

While Zigeyr and Ked were walking through the streets, one a billboard news was being played,

"The nation of Luglucia has announced probably the most unexpected announcement of the year. They have stated that they are changing their form of government from democracy to a Theocracy. They have also announced that their official name from now on will be Xaatinia and their official religion will be Xaatism which must be followed by everyone in the nation. Anyone found practicing other religions will be executed. Aside from these, they have also announced multiple policies restricting the freedom of peoples. Their new pop have also announced that they will be uniting all the majority Xaatism followers countries."

Ked stared at the billboard. His prediction was true after all. The gods have started to take matters into their own hand.

"It seems that right now, the only enemy we will be fighting is the Goddess of Destruction, Xuhuna." Zigeyr sighed and tossed the packet of Lays on the ground. Then they kept walking to who knows where.

After some time, a dog comes near the tossed packet of Lays. It finds that there is still something left in the packet. They were circled in shape and had strange things on them. It opens its mouth and swallowed one of them. Just as it was about to eat more of them, it suddenly falls to the ground and stopped breathing. The surrounding peoples were in too much hurry that they did not care to notice this incident at all. If one looks closely at those left over in the packet, then they will find that the strange things on them are eyes, nose and mouth of someone's. There was also constant mumbling, which was almost non-hearable to humans. It seems like they were begging to get eaten.