Matchmaking (1)

"This is ridiculous. Why are we here anyway?"

Penelope glanced at her sister and smiled faintly behind her wine glass. She was in the same boat as Priscilla, and if she had a choice, she would rather stay home than be here.

"Calm down, Ceecee. Mom will be upset if she hears you."

Priscilla huffed next to Penelope and looked around with an annoyed expression.

Penelope passed her sister a drink as they moved away from the crowd and the prying eyes of their mother. She had lost count of events their mother had dragged them to attend over the past three years. Ever since their father died from a heart attack, leaving them with nothing but a failing business, their mother has gone overboard, trying to marry off her daughters into wealthy families.

The latest event was a charity gala hosted by the prestigious Montgomery family, known for their old money and influential connections in high society.

Penelope and Priscilla were aware of their mother's intention for them to catch the eyes of one of the eligible Montgomery bachelors tonight. They had endured countless evenings of forced conversations and fake smiles, hoping a strategic marriage would save their family's fortune.

As they stood at the corner of the massive banquet hall, sipping their drinks, a tall figure caught Penelope's eye across the room. He was clad in a tailored suit, his dark hair swept back with a confident air about him. Their eyes met momentarily before he was surrounded by a group of guests, all vying for his attention.

Priscilla followed her sister's gaze and chuckled. Among Penelope's sisters, Priscilla had a more straightforward personality and didn't mince words. This was one of the reasons why she always fought with their mother. It was also one of her sister's attributes that Penelope wished she had.

"Well, it seems like someone finally caught your eye, Penny."

Penelope shot her sister a warning look, but Priscilla grinned mischievously.

"I thought you said you weren't here to flirt with anyone." She avoided answering her sister's question, though she had to agree that the man was undeniably handsome. She tried to shake off the strange feeling that had settled in her stomach since their eyes had met.

Penelope didn't believe in love at first sight, especially not at an event like this, but something about him intrigued her.

Before she could dwell on it further, their mother appeared beside them, wearing her signature smile that never quite reached her eyes.

"There you two are! Why are you hiding in a corner? Go socialize and remember why we're here tonight," she reminded them with a pointed look. Penelope exchanged a resigned glance with Priscilla before they both plastered on their practiced smiles and joined the crowd.

"Let's go and find Melody and Clara. They must be hiding somewhere." Priscilla whispered to Penelope as they navigated through the sea of guests.

Penelope nodded and couldn't help but steal glances toward the mysterious man. She spotted him conversing with an older woman, his demeanor polite but distant. It seemed like he was just as disinterested in the matchmaking games as Penelope was.

As if sensing her gaze, the man turned his head, with Penelope finding him looking back at her with a half-smile playing on his lips. Heat crept up her neck as she quickly averted her eyes, ashamed of being caught staring.

Throughout the evening, Penelope found herself stealing glances at the mysterious man whenever she could without attracting too much attention. She noticed he moved indifferently to the social climbers around him, his gaze often scanning the room as if searching for an escape.

Music filled the air, and couples took to the dance floor. Penelope watched from afar, her thoughts drifting to a world where she didn't have to play the obedient daughter in her mother's matchmaking schemes. She longed for a life where she could choose and follow her heart.

Penelope looked down at the wine she was holding and scoffed inwardly. Considering how bad her recent relationship was, she didn't think her mother would arrange for her marriage soon. A pang of pain flashed in her eyes. She genuinely loved him, but his family easily swayed him to marry a woman with a better standing than her.

Perhaps things wouldn't have happened if her father hadn't died and her Dimitriou family wasn't facing bankruptcy. However, Penelope knew it was pointless to think of what-ifs because it wouldn't change anything. If anything, she needed to find a way to save their company before their mother sold off her three sisters into marriage.

She was already thirty-two and had lost considerable years being with a man who couldn't stand up for her or for them. Even though Penelope had no regrets, she couldn't help but feel sad about how things had turned out. As the eldest daughter of their family, she needed to look after the welfare of her younger siblings.

But how could she do that? Penelope wondered. She wasn't as bright as Priscilla, as talented as Melody, or as beautiful as Clara. Truth be told, she thought she was the least remarkable among her sisters. What did she have to offer that would attract a wealthy suitor, save their family business, and ensure her sisters' futures?

She took another sip of her wine, gathering her thoughts. Penelope regretted not following in her father's footsteps. If she had chosen to pursue a business career and not attend art school, she might have been better equipped to handle the financial troubles that plague their family now. Her father had always believed in her business acumen, encouraging her to join him in running the family company. Still, Penelope had been drawn to art and creativity instead.