A Marriage of Convenience (2)

Penelope looked at her reflection in the mirror. It never occurred to her that she would see herself wearing a bridal dress. The skirt was a little shorter for her as she was taller than Melody, but thankfully, she could fit in as the bust had adjustable straps on its back, allowing her to feel more comfortable.

Penelope's heart fluttered with nervousness as she smoothed down the delicate fabric. She was about to get married to the man she thought she would spend her life with but with a total stranger. 

"Are you sure about this, Penny?" Priscilla looked at Penelope with concern. "There must be another way to deal with this, Penny. You don't have to marry him." 

"Would you fill in Melody's shoes instead?" Penelope responded, "Or would you rather see Mother force Clara to marry him instead?" 

Priscilla instantly shut her mouth. Penelope's words hung in the air for a moment as Priscilla considered the gravity of the situation. She knew Penelope was right; there didn't seem to be any other way out of this arrangement.

The pressure from their mother was relentless, and the family's reputation was at stake. Priscilla let out a deep sigh before speaking again. 

"I just wish there was some way to change this," she said softly, her eyes filled with sadness for her sister. 

Penelope gave Priscilla a grateful smile before turning back to the mirror. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the butterflies in her stomach. As much as she dreaded marrying a stranger, she knew she had to do it for her family. 

She took a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves threatening to consume her. Penelope knew the weight of her decision and the sacrifice she was willing to endure for the sake of her family. As she gazed at Priscilla, she could see the worry etched on her sister's face, the fear of the unknown reflecting in her eyes. But she couldn't falter now, not when so much was at stake. 

"I'm surprised, though," Priscilla commented, "Mr. Hendrix easily agreed to your proposition as if his marriage to you was a business transaction. Do you think he'll keep his end of the deal?" 

Penelope paused, her gaze fixed on her reflection in the mirror. She knew Priscilla's concerns were valid, but she had no choice but to trust that Mr. Hendrix would honor their agreement. She had only met Raven Hendrix twice, and it wasn't enough for her to deduce what kind of person he truly was. His demeanor was polite but distant, his eyes revealing little about his thoughts or feelings. 

With a steely resolve in her eyes, she turned to face Priscilla. 

"I believe he will," Penelope said firmly. "He may not have much of a choice in the matter, but I have made it clear what I expect from this arrangement." 

Honestly, Penelope also thought she would have a hard time convincing Raven Hendrix to marry her in place of her younger sister. She was also caught guard when his assistant presented a prenuptial contract between them. 

Priscilla nodded, understanding the determination in Penelope's voice. She knew her sister had always been fiercely independent and willing to do whatever it took to protect their family. As much as Priscilla wished there was another way, she admired Penelope's strength and bravery in the face of such a daunting situation. 

As they heard a knock on the door, signaling that it was time for the ceremony to begin, Priscilla gave Penelope a reassuring hug. 

"Whatever happens, we are in this together," she whispered. 

"Thank you, Ceecee, but I'm worried about Melody. She's not picking up my calls." Penelope voiced out her worries about their missing younger sister. 

Priscilla sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Melody and Clara had never tasted the bitterness of life before. Although Oscar Milliani was a trust fund baby, he was also a notorious playboy and rumors of his scandalous affairs. The thought of sweet, innocent Melody being caught up in such a situation made Priscilla's blood run cold. She knew they had to find Melody before it was too late. 

"We'll deal with Melody after this ceremony," Priscilla said, her voice tinged with urgency. "We can't afford any more complications right now. Let's get through this first, and then we'll find her together." 

Penelope took one last look at herself in the mirror, trying to steady her nerves as she prepared to face an uncertain future. She took a deep breath, straightened her shoulders, and exited the room with a determined stride. The sound of her heels clicking against the marble floor echoed through the empty hallway as she made her way to the grand ballroom, where she would soon be married to a man she barely knew. 

As she entered the room, all eyes turned toward her, and Penelope felt the weight of their expectations bearing down on her. She searched the crowd for any sign of Melody but couldn't spot her among the familiar faces. Her heart sank as she realized her younger sister was still missing. 

As the time for the wedding drew closer, Penelope couldn't shake off the unease in her stomach. The grand ballroom was filled with elegant decorations, the soft glow of candlelight casting a warm hue over everything. Penelope stood at the door, her hands trembling slightly as she clutched the bouquet of white roses. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as she waited for the queue to walk to the altar. 

Her eyes found her soon-to-be husband. Raven Hendrix was dressed in a tailored suit that accentuated his sharp features. He stood at the altar, his expression unreadable as he watched Penelope approach. Their eyes met briefly, a silent exchange passing between them before Penelope turned her gaze away, focusing on the future that awaited her. 

Taking her place at the altar beside Raven, Penelope forced herself to focus on the task at hand. She stole a glance at him and saw his stoic expression, giving nothing away. The officiant began the ceremony, and Penelope's mind drifted as she recited her vows mechanically. 

But as they exchanged rings and the minister declared them husband and wife, something unfamiliar flickered through Raven's eyes. It was fleeting, gone almost as quickly as it had appeared, but Penelope caught it, nonetheless. 

As they turned to face their guests, applause filled the room, but Penelope couldn't shake off the feeling that this marriage was just the beginning of something much more complicated than she had anticipated. She briefly remembered the warning Raven had given her earlier. He'd warned her not to regret marrying him, and the weight of those words now settled heavily on her shoulders. 

Regret? She scoffed inwardly. She had enough regret already. Penelope forced a smile as she and Raven made their way through the crowd, accepting congratulatory wishes and polite applause. She could feel the weight of Raven's gaze on her, his presence a silent reminder of the bargain they had struck. The room buzzed with chatter and laughter, but Penelope's mind was elsewhere, consumed with thoughts of her missing sister and the uncertain future ahead.