Am I Not Allowed to Spoil My Wife? (1)

As her husband suggested, Penelope didn't waste time and returned home to see her family the next day. Priscilla and Clara were waiting for her in the sitting area, relieved upon seeing Penelope's return. 

"Where's Mom?" Penelope asked her younger sisters when she noticed their mother was nowhere in sight. 

Priscilla sighed and rubbed the space between her brows. 

"She went out. I told her you were coming home today, but she insisted she could not reschedule her appointment." Clara answered Penelope instead. 

"It's alright." Penelope smiled at her sisters and took a seat. "Raven wanted to accompany me to see you, but he's too busy and barely had time to see me." 

Though she was comfortable living in her husband's manor, it still couldn't compare to the feeling whenever she was home. However, Penelope also understood that, as Raven's wife, she must uphold her duties and responsibilities. 

"Why did you come home so suddenly? Did Mr. Hendrix hurt you?" Priscilla asked. 

When she received a call from Penelope last night, she was worried something terrible had happened. She and Clara had been worried about Penelope. They also had no idea what was happening with Melody after her disappearance. 

"No," Penelope immediately answered. "Why would you think of that? Raven is nothing but a gentleman and would never do anything to hurt me." 

Priscilla raised a brow. She understood that Penelope married Raven Hendrix instead of their younger sister, but she hadn't expected Penelope to be so close to her husband so easily. She stared at her elder sister, trying to see if she was hurt or distressed, but Penelope's expression remained unreadable. 

She was aware that Penelope was very good at hiding her true feelings. Priscilla hadn't seen her elder sister show strong emotions. But she knew that deep down, Penelope was struggling to come to terms with their father's sudden passing. 

Penelope's eyes flickered at Priscilla as she sensed the unspoken concern in her sister's gaze. She reached out and grasped Priscilla's hand, offering her a reassuring smile. 

"Raven did not hurt me, Ceecee. He has been nothing but kind and understanding," Penelope replied softly, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I came home to check on you before our honeymoon trip. Did Melody give you a call? Raven said he's already trying to find her and Oscar Milliani." 

"No, she hasn't," Clara answered. "I hope she's alright wherever she is." 

Penelope nodded, a worried furrow appearing on her forehead as she thought about her missing sister. She hoped Raven would be able to find Melody soon and bring her back home safely. But for now, she needed to focus on her family, which was right in front of her. 

Priscilla broke the heavy silence by standing up abruptly. 

"I'll go prepare some tea for us. We could all use a warm drink right now." 

As Priscilla left the room, Clara turned to Penelope with a worried expression. 

"Do you think Mr. Hendrix will be able to find Melody and Oscar?" 

Penelope gazed at her younger sister with determination glinting in her eyes. 

"I believe in Raven's capabilities. He may come off as reserved and mysterious, but he is resourceful and determined to help us." 

"I can't believe Mr. Hendrix is willing to help us to this extent." Clara commented, "It sounds nothing like what others had described him." 

As Priscilla returned with a tray of steaming mugs, the sisters gathered around the table, sipping the comforting warmth. The sound of rain pattering against the windows filled the room, adding to the somber atmosphere. 

After a moment, Priscilla spoke up, her voice hesitant. 

"Penny, did Mr. Hendrix know?" she said, acknowledging the elephant in the room. 

Penelope nodded. "He's aware…" 

"And he's okay with that?" Priscilla continued to question her sister. "It isn't like the Oliver family could offend your husband, but I'm worried he would blame you if things don't work out between you." 

"I'm aware, Ceecee," Penelope answered. "I was reckless when I proposed marriage to him, but he assured me he's aware of my circumstances. Raven married me despite the bad things I did in the past." 

"Why are you still blaming yourself for that, Penny?" Clara said, "You were forced into the corner by that woman. Would you have gone that far if she hadn't threatened you?" 

Penelope remained silent for a moment, her thoughts filled with memories of her choice. Her gaze turned distant as she recalled the events that ruined her reputation and the start of their company's decline. Her past decisions hung heavily on her shoulders, a burden she couldn't seem to shake off, no matter how hard she tried. She knew her sisters only meant well, trying to ease her guilt and worries, but deep down, Penelope couldn't help but feel responsible for everything that had transpired. 

"I don't know, Clara," Penelope finally answered, her voice barely above a whisper. "But what's done is done. I can only move forward now and try to make things right." 

"Well, it's not like trouble would come knocking on your door anytime soon, Penny. The public only knew about Melody ditching her wedding to Mr. Hendrix. Only those guests who were in attendance knew you married him in her place." Priscilla informed Penelope. 

Penelope's brows shot up. She hadn't expected this sudden turn of events. Her husband hadn't mentioned anything like this, and she hadn't been keen on checking what was on the news for the past five years. 

"You mean they didn't know Raven and I were married?" She clarified to her sisters. 

Clara shook her head, her eyes wide with realization. 

"No, Penny. Everyone still thinks Melody left Raven at the altar. They have no idea about your marriage to him. The news focused mainly on Melody's disappearance and the scandal surrounding her abrupt departure from the wedding." 

A sense of relief washed over Penelope as she processed this information. It was a small comfort to know that their secret was still safe for the time being. However, a part of her was disappointed for reasons unknown to her. 

Priscilla leaned in closer, her voice lowering to a whisper. 

"This could work in our favor. If Mr. Hendrix is already searching for Melody and Oscar, we can use this opportunity to keep your marriage hidden until the time is right. I'm sure Mr. Hendrix also thinks the same." 

Penelope felt relief and apprehension at this revelation. On one hand, it meant that her marriage to Raven had not yet been exposed to the prying eyes of society. On the other hand, it also meant there was a potential for the truth to come out at any moment, which may cause another scandal or rumors about her.