A Heartless Monster (1)


Penelope was taken aback, but she supposed she didn't know her husband well enough to know whether he was telling the truth or not. It was hard for her to believe that the man she married was selfish, given how kind and generous he was towards her. 

"Don't be hard on yourself, Raven." She told her husband. 

Raven merely gave her a shrug. 

"I'm not lying to you, Penelope. I'm sure you've heard things about me from others, and you might think none of it were true, but there's some truth in it." He admitted, "There might be a day you might hate me because of this."

As he said these words, his gaze fell to the ground. Penelope could see that he was serious with his words and wondered what he could possibly mean by that. Was there something he was keeping from her?

"By the way, we've found your sister and Oscar Milliani's whereabouts." Raven suddenly said, surprising Penelope. 

Her eyes widened in surprise. She and Priscilla had asked their Uncle Henry to find Melody, but they hadn't found her. It wasn't like their Uncle Henry was incapable of finding their missing sister, but Raven was more resourceful than they had initially thought. 

She then understood the saying, 'Money talks, wealth whispers'. It hadn't been a week since they married, and Melody went missing, but he already managed to find her whereabouts. 

"Where is she?" Penelope asked when she found her voice again. 

Raven hesitated for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face before he answered,

"She's in a small town up north, near the mountains. It seems she's been staying with a family friend of the Millianis." 

"Is she alright?" She asked. Melody had never been away on her own, and Penelope worried that her sister might be in trouble. 

Raven gave her a reassuring smile. 

"She's safe, Penelope. From what I've gathered, she's just taking some time for herself. I can take you to her if you want to see her." 

Penelope felt a rush of gratitude toward Raven. Despite his earlier confession about being selfish, he was going out of his way to help her find her sister. She shook her head, but grateful for his support. 

"No, I would like to give Melody time to figure out what she truly wants." She answered, "My sister is still young and isn't exposed enough to the reality of the world. I would like her to see with her own eyes and make her own decisions before committing to anything." 

Raven stared at her for a moment and nodded. 

"If that's what you want, but are you sure about this, Penelope? You've heard what kind of person Oscar Milliani is." He reminded her. 

Penelope looked him straight in the eyes and confidently replied, "I learned not to believe what others say about a person completely. Just like I've learned, you are far from what they paint you to be." 

"What could they say about your dear husband, Penelope?" Raven raised a brow at her with an amused smile on his lips. 

Penelope returned Raven's smile with a playful one of her own. 

"Oh, just that you're a heartless monster who only cares about money and power," she teased, causing Raven to chuckle. 

"Well, they're not entirely wrong," he said, his expression turning serious once more. "I do care about power, but not in the way they think. I want to use it to protect those I care about." 

"I know, Raven. And I trust you. You've already proven that you'll go to great lengths to help me and my family. You don't know how much that means to me." 

It was hard for Penelope to repay Raven for all he had done, but she was determined to find a way. She knew that she would always be grateful for his kindness. There were many reasons Raven could use not to marry her, but he still accepted her ridiculous proposal to marry her instead of Melody. 

Raven's gaze softened at Penelope's words, a mix of emotions flickering in his eyes. He reached out to gently cup her cheek, his touch warm against her skin. 

"You don't have to repay me, Penelope. You are my wife. It's only natural for me to look after your family." He paused as he considered his next words, "Have you figured out what you want to do now that you are married? Do you plan on resuming as an artist and paint again?" 

Penelope fidgeted in her seat and looked away. Of course, her husband knew what she'd been doing all these years. She used to be an artist, selling her paintings and artworks under a pseudonym before the scandal hit her. 

Even though a part of Penelope yearned to pick up her paintbrushes again and lose herself in the vibrant colors and intricate designs that used to bring her so much joy, another part of her hesitated. 

Penelope clutched the hem of her dress, feeling a wave of vulnerability wash over her. It was true that she had loved painting, but after everything that had happened, she wasn't sure if she still had it in her. However, Raven's question nudged something inside her, a small ember of passion she thought had long been extinguished.

Raven must have noticed her inner turmoil because he took her hand and gently squeezed it, his eyes filled with understanding and encouragement. 

"I know it's not easy to move past the traumas of the past, but your talent is a gift that deserves to be shared with the world. Don't let fear hold you back from pursuing what sets your soul on fire." 

His words resonated deep within her, stirring a sense of determination and longing she thought she had buried long ago. Maybe it was time for her to confront her fears, to reclaim the passion for art that had been overshadowed by scandal and judgment. 

"If you are afraid of what others would say, don't worry about it. Lance Oliver didn't know the pseudonym you've used, right? I heard some clients have been looking everywhere for your work but haven't found any. You could start anew, Penelope, with a clean slate." 

Penelope lowered her gaze as her eyes brimmed with unshed tears. She couldn't understand how could this man believe in her when she couldn't believe in herself. She knew that Raven was right, but she wasn't sure if she was ready. 

"Thank you, Raven, but I think I still need some time to come to terms with everything that has happened." Her voice wavered slightly, betraying the internal struggle she was facing. Penelope took a deep breath, steeling herself before meeting Raven's gaze once more. "But I promise you, I will consider what you've said."