No Turning Back (1)

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the villa, Raven suggested they walk along the beach. Penelope eagerly agreed, slipping her hand into his as they strolled along the shore, leaving footprints in the soft sand behind them. 

The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was soothing, a backdrop to their quiet conversation. Penelope learned that the villa was owned by Raven, whom he inherited after his mother's passing. She could see he was missing his deceased mother from the way he looked. 

Raven paused, looking out at the vast expanse of the ocean, before turning to Penelope with a wistful smile. 

"I used to come here often with my mother when I was a child," he confessed. "It's always held a special place in my heart." 

Penelope squeezed his hand, sensing a hint of sadness in his voice. She could see that Raven was missing his mother and could understand his pain, as she was also missing her dead father. There were times she wondered what she could do to be able to hear his voice and talk to him again, but that was impossible. 

As they continued their walk, the sky transitioned from golden hues to deep purples and pinks, painting a breathtaking canvas above them. The air was filled with the salty scent of the sea and the sound of birds circling overhead. 

"Let's return before you catch a cold," Raven suggested. 

Penelope nodded, turning to follow Raven back to the villa. The fading light of the sunset cast long shadows across the sand, creating a memory Penelope wanted to remember forever. A cool breeze swept in from the ocean as they walked, causing Penelope to shiver slightly. 

Once they reached the villa, Raven led Penelope to a cozy sitting area on the outdoor terrace. He disappeared momentarily and returned with a soft blanket, draping it over her shoulders. Penelope acknowledged his thoughtfulness with a grateful smile. They had been married for a week, and she had yet to see her husband lose his cool or get angry. He was always calm and gentle. She couldn't help but feel lucky to have him by her side. 

"Dinner would be served soon. Is there anything you like to eat?" Raven asked her. 

Penelope shook her head. 

"We had a long day. I would like something light for dinner if that's okay with you." She answered. 

Raven nodded, his eyes filled with warmth, as he gazed at Penelope. 

"Of course. I'll have something light prepared for us." He gave her a smile before disappearing into the villa's kitchen to tell the cook of her preference for food. 

Penelope watched him go, feeling grateful towards him. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have Raven as her husband. When she heard the rumors about him, she'd been worried that he would mistreat Melody. It was one of the reasons she decided to take her sister's place in marrying him. Penelope thought that she would endure anything if he was a horrible person, even if it meant suffering from his temperament. 

But as the days passed, she found Raven gentle, caring, and nothing like the rumors had suggested. Their marriage might seem peaceful now, but Penelope knew it was only the beginning. She needed to steel herself for whatever challenges came her way and continue to be a supportive partner to Raven. She was determined to make their marriage work, no matter what obstacles they faced. 

If this was nothing but a facade to fool her, Penelope wondered what his intention would be. She had nothing to offer him but her body and her family name. She also understood that the Montgomery family would someday demand that she bear a child for her husband. Raven had yet to discuss this with her, but Penelope was sure the topic would come up sooner or later. 

As she sat on the terrace, enveloped in the blanket Raven had given her, Penelope's thoughts drifted to the future and what it held for her in this marriage. The soft glow of lanterns flickered around her, casting a warm light over the terrace as the evening descended. 

When Raven returned with a tray of light dinner fare, Penelope forced a smile, trying to push away her worries. The food was delicious, a mix of fresh seafood and crisp vegetables, but her appetite was lacking. Raven noticed her lack of enthusiasm and couldn't help but question her. 

"Is everything alright?" he asked, concern showing in his eyes. 

"Yes," Penelope said, "I'm just thinking what to do once we return home." 

She knew she could not hide in Raven's manor the entire time, and she would need to fulfill her duties as his wife by attending social functions to represent her. Given her new status as Raven's wife, it would also mean the chances of meeting Lance and Beatrice were high. 

"You are worrying too much, Penelope. You always thought about others and never yourself. This is one of the reasons why I want to spoil you. You deserve to be happy and at peace," Raven reassured her. 

"Don't fret about the future. As I've said, you have me now. No one would dare to make things difficult for you and not face the repercussions of their actions. But Penelope, I don't want to be a pushover wife who can't stand up for herself and her beliefs. I want you to be strong and confident, to stand by my side as an equal partner in this marriage," Raven continued, his expression earnest. 

Penelope wrapped her arms around her legs and looked away from her husband. Though she understood what he was saying, it was hard to muster the courage to face the world again. It also didn't sit well on her to use Raven as a stepping stone to mend her reputation. 

She'd caused her family tremendous pain in the past, and if it wasn't for her, Penelope knew her father wouldn't have died from a heart attack because of overwork. She had yet to forgive herself or feel that her presence in this world brought nothing but heartache to those around her. 

Raven's words were kind, but Penelope couldn't ignore the feeling of guilt that gnawed at her from within.