You Don’t Belong Here (2)

"Is everything all right here?"

His voice was calm, but an underlying intensity made Rachel falter for a moment. Penelope could see the surprise in Lance's eyes as he registered the new player in this high-stakes encounter.

"Everything is under control, Mr. Hendrix," Rachel tried to interject smoothly, but her voice wavered slightly, betraying her unease. She hadn't expected someone like Raven Hendrix to show up at such an unexpected time. 

Penelope's husband turned his gaze to her, and for a brief moment, she saw a glimmer of concern flicker in his eyes before they hardened again. 

"Miss Dimitriou, I hope you haven't forgotten my invitation earlier.," he stated firmly, offering his hand to her.

Penelope hesitated for a moment. She couldn't understand why Raven attended the party. Was he worried that she would make a scene during his absence? He was supposed to be on his flight for an overseas business trip, but he stood before them here.