I Want You, Only You (2)

Penelope's schedule was full, and she barely had time for herself. If she wasn't in a meeting, one could find her engrossed in front of her computer, editing several brochures and product packaging. Never did once her colleagues held her complain or see her frown. She was a master multitasker, moving seamlessly from one task to another with grace and precision. Despite the hectic work environment, Penelope always managed to keep a cool head and a warm smile, earning the admiration of her coworkers.

Despite her busy schedule, Penelope ensured she made time for her husband and her family. It didn't take long before her mother found out about Priscilla's problem at work. Roselia's face paled upon hearing what her second daughter suffered, and her blood immediately boiled with rage. She looked at Penelope silently, and Penelope nodded in response.