Come Clean, Mr. Hendrix (3)

"Mel, Raven is a kind and understanding man. I'm sure he didn't hold it against you. He agreed for you to back out, didn't he? I'm sure he knew you were in love with someone else and couldn't proceed with your wedding. He would have told me if he had any grudges against you. He might just be waiting for you to come clean and explain everything to him," Penelope said reassuringly.

"You think so?" Melody whispered, her voice barely audible.

"I do. And I think it's time for you to talk to Raven and clear the air between you. You owe it to yourself and him," Penelope replied, her voice firm yet kind.

Melody nodded slowly, agreeing with her sister's suggestion. She knew she could no longer prolong the conflict and needed to face Raven to set things right.

"Rae will pick me up later after he is done with work. I should give you some time and privacy for you and Raven to talk things out."