R18+ I Will Always Belong to You (3)

Without a word, Raven stood up, lifting Penelope effortlessly in his arms as he carried her towards their shared bedroom. The soft golden light streaming through the windows painted their entwined forms. Penelope's hands roamed over Raven's chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath her touch. Raven's hands traveled down her back, pulling her impossibly closer as if he never wanted to let her go.

As if impatient to feel him more, Penelope discarded her dress and threw it on the side of the bed. Raven's hands trembled slightly as they skimmed along Penelope's skin, the heat of her body searing through his fingertips. He couldn't speak, not when his blood was hot, thick, and roaring in his head. His senses were all focused on her, and Raven could feel his self-control slipping away with each passing moment.