Demon King's Symphony

1st Year Elyon Divine war


Blood filled the skies as the screams of all races resounded through the heavens, on the ground the church of light sang hoping their god may cast a glance upon them as they fought in his name

On the side, the demi-human headed by the long-eared elves, along with the orcs and dwarves they also readied their weapons as they began to charge vowing to claim the land of Elyon from the humans

However, just this alone was not enough to describe the level of carnage that was taken place in this so-called war as even the seas and the sky were not safe from the destruction

Angels filled the skies as they bared their weapons against the human wizards and giant dragons roared as they spewed flames covering the earth with ashes as their dragon might left weaker races cowering in fear

And the seas as if not willing to be left behind had turned completely blood red as all kinds of sirens, mermaids and various aquatic races had launched a battle for hegemony.

However, just when the battle was reaching its peak a piano key sounded bringing a chilling silence to the once-chaotic battlefield

*Ding! *

But as if they hadn't heard it the first time it again sounded sending a chill down everyone's spine

*Ding! *

*Ding! *

With each time the key increased in speed, it wasn't long before a beautiful symphony began to play to which if people of the Blue Star were present would recognize it as the Moonlight Sonata's first movement

However, to the people of Elyon, to them this was none other than the signature song of the first demon King!

"No! Impossible! How could he be here!" Roared an Elder dragon as his widened with fear

Unfortunately, no matter how much he denied it, the music that went through his ears at this moment proved otherwise.

Soon time passed, and the whole battlefield had reached a standstill with every race staring at the sky with fear in their eyes.

At some moment, he had appeared!

Dressed in a black-clad suit with a hood covering his face and a cape blowing in the wind, at some point in time this humanlike figure had appeared floating mid-air as he played the piano without a care for the gazes all around him

To his side, nine silhouettes which were had to make out stood looking down at the battlefield without making any movements.

Yes, the Demon King and his nine generals had arrived at the scene

*Ding! *

And with the final key, he slowly stood up spreading his hands to the world

"People of Elyon rejoice! For your Lord has come!"


Blue Star Year 2034, Dragon City Archeology Ltd HQ


Reading the final chapter of his favorite web novel, world-famous archeologist and martial artist Ye Tian couldn't help but sigh in remorse as he realized he had reached the final chapter

"Damn Author! How could you allow it to end like this? You better don't let me get a hold of you or else!"

baling his fist, no one would have imagined that such a famous person as he would be such a fantasy junkie

however, if you asked Ye Tian personally, he would tell you that being a fantasy Junkie was what made him as famous as he is today

At the young age of six, he unfortunately lost both his parents resulting in him living with his alcoholic uncle 

During that period, getting beat up for no reason was the norm to him so much so that deep in his heart he had no hatred only nonchalance to his uncle's antics

To him, the time spent being angry could be used to read all sorts of interesting books

Books that allowed him to soar in the sky, have magic, and achieve all sorts of feats

In the world of books, he could be the hero or the villain, the prince or the Begger, a knight or assassin

There was no limit to what he could do and where he could go, and by immersing himself in those books it wasn't until the day of his graduation that Ye Tian decided to try and become like his favorite characters, to be a hero or a villain

Unfortunately, to do that he needed one thing which all of them possessed.


The strength needed to make him fearless of anything be it people, guns, or even nuclear bombs

So, to get that, after graduating at the age of twenty and using up the money he had saved up over the years

Ye Tian moved out of his uncle's house and began to go into martial arts while also continuing to accumulate all kinds of knowledge especially since knowledge was another source of power.

Five years, ten years, fifteen years, twenty years, as the years passed by it fencing, swordsmanship, boxing, judo, or karate, thanks to his extraordinary talent Ye Tian reached various peaks acquiring fame and recognition both at home and abroad

But it still wasn't enough, no matter how skilled he was he would still die from a gunshot to the head much less a nuclear bomb

So, with that, he turned his thoughts in another direction


Maybe myths and legends of the past weren't just myths and legends

Maybe there was something that could help him who stood at the peak of humanity achieve transcendence

Now fifty years later at the age of ninety, there were still no results

Although various discoveries were made, none of them could help him achieve his desired wish only adding to his fame in turn

Thankfully over these years thanks to all his exercise he was still fairly fit and able to walk without any help

Unfortunately, everything has its limit and today would officially mark his last mission before retiring forever

Putting down his phone, Ye Tian took a look at the book titled 'Demon King's Symphony' he sighed hoping the author could complete it before he died

Sadly, before he could search for a new novel to read, an untimely knock sounded interrupting his thoughts

*Knock! Knock! *

"Professor Ye Tian, the team is ready we may now commence exploration." 

Hearing this, at six foot two, pale skin, completely gray hair, and ninety years old Ye Tian put his phone into his pocket as he headed out ready to experience his last raid as an archeologist