
"Seventh order, to start with you must first understand what the orders are and why they are classified as such"

Saying this, Elsa waved her hand conjuring up a miniature ice human in front of Arthur

"Bet it Aura or Mana or any other form of energy, as you know these are all sub-properties of ether, the fundamental substance that constitutes the laws and structure of our world"

"so, cultivation in a sense is a means of manipulating the laws of the world through ether"

Listening to Elsa say this, Arthur didn't show too much of a reaction since this much was considered basic information

However, what she said next made him react differently

"From the first to sixth order, at least for mages it's more of a process of fine-tuning yourself with ether, using it to bring yourself closer to the world"

"Once that is done, then you would be able to control various phenomena in your surroundings thanks to that closeness as a means"