Plan and Roles

Tonight, in the city of flame heaven, thanks to the unusually active flame elements in the area the wind was particularly warm

On the road bards played various instruments and told stories, stalls were still active selling all kinds of foods, bars were more active with drunken fights taking place in one or two

The red-light district in particular became unusually active in comparison to the day with all kinds of courtesans and escorts wandering the streets as they advertised their services

Just taking in the sight of all this, Arthur couldn't believe this was the same sight he had seen during the day

"ha-ha amazing, isn't it? The city of flame heaven even in times of peril still burns bright with passion!"

Tapping Arthur on the shoulder, Alexander laughed loudly amused by Arthur's reaction

Even the guild members who followed him had smiles on their faces as they felt a kind of pride for this city of theirs