Azmond's Skills And Abilities

0. Divine Devil Arts Scripture - All round cheat that Azmond found inside of a mysterious cavern because of a Giant White Wolf... Origin will be explained when it becomes relevant. Gets basic information about the world because of this cheat...

0. Azmonds current cultivation technique - ????? Unknown as of now, will be explained as the story progresses.

0. |QUANTUM GATE| - A technique that allows the user to alter space and even time at a high enough cultivation realm... Is even supposedly capable of altering even the very fabric of reality itself. Acquired after completing 1000 refinements cycles during the Body Refinement Realm... VERY DANGEROUS!!!!

1. Earth Dominion - An Earth Element ability that gives Azmond Control over the Earth element with varying levels of power depending on his proficiency --> Current Proficiency |Greater| Ability Rank |Mid - Mortal|

2. Water Dominion - Same premise as the Earth Dominion skill except water-related. --> Current Proficiency |Greater| Ability Rank |Mid - Mortal|

3. Lightning Dominion - Same thing as Water Dominion and Earth Dominion. --> Current Proficiency |Greater| Ability Rank |Mid - Mortal|

4. Wind Dominion - Same thing as all the previous elemental dominions except Wind-related. --> Current Proficiency |Greater| Ability Rank |Mid - Mortal|

5. Fire Dominion - Same thing as all the previous elemental dominions except Fire-related --> Current Proficiency |Greater| Ability Rank |Mid - Mortal|

6. Cataclysmic annihilation - Lightning sword skill, a variation of the lightning Dominion skill. --> Current Proficiency |Greater| Ability Rank |Late - Mortal|

7. Divine Godfiend's Concealing Technique - Allows the user's aura and cultivation base to be whatever the user wants it to be as long as the one scanning the user is not many Greater Realms higher in strength than the user is.

8. Automatic Language Translations Book - A technique that allows the user to understand any language that the original creator of the Divine Devil Arts Scripture knew. One of the few techniques that Azmond automatically mastered upon obtaining the Divine Devil Arts Scripture.