(R-18) Crystalline's Inner Turmoil

Deep within the Great Wildland Forest, in the middle of a scarred landscape, a young couple were currently in the middle of a very intense 'Massage' session.

"Mhmm!! A-Azmonddd~~!! Mhmff~! I-I Love You~! And I Love this F-Feeling~~!! Aaaahhh~!" Crystalline suddenly proposed her love along with a loud moan as she was practically drooling when Azmond's right hand once again made its way to the area above her clitoris and his right hand started to play with her left nipple.

"Aaaaaaahh~~!!!" Her nude body started twitching greatly as her pussy squirted violently for the third time so far.

'... Idiot~!...' Crystalline thought to herself as a loving and adoring look began to form in her heart-shaped eyes as she gazed right back into his eyes while moaning loudly.

"..." Azmond, who was left awestruck at the collapsed and out-of-breath nude body of Crystalline, suddenly froze when he heard her say 'I Love You', although she said it in the heat of the moment... she still said it.

That was an undeniable fact...


He had never heard the words 'I Love You' directed at him in either of his lifetimes. It was an unfamiliar term for Azmond... a term that he didn't know how to respond to...

He could say nothing in return, or he could say that he loved her back...

Did he love her?? Azmond didn't know for sure, since he didn't really understand what that word meant.

Did he enjoy being around Crystalline? Yes.

Did he have some sort of affection greater than just friendship for Crystalline? Yes...

Did he love her? He didn't know...

He could just say that he loved her back without actually meaning it, but he would never do something like that.

Azmond believed that Crystalline didn't deserve something as cruel as empty words; he believed she deserved to be told that she was loved from the heart.

He didn't want to reciprocate her profession of love out of mere politeness. Rather than offering a superficial courtesy, he felt the need to genuinely assess his feelings and respond truthfully.


Azmond pondered over this topic for what felt like eternity when, in reality, only a few milliseconds had passed...


Crystalline's lustful moans could still be heard as she squirmed on the blanket while tightly gripping his large hands that were still above her pelvis area, gently caressing that very sensitive spot of hers.


Azmond, who was still in deep thought, suddenly turned his head up and took one good look at Crystalline's face...

And what he saw was a lustful face that was filled with love and obsession for him...

It was a face that depicted how, for a man whom she met just today, she already felt like she couldn't live without him...

A love that defied all common sense.


"..." Azmond looked at that perfectly sculpted face and those big, beautiful green eyes of hers that were currently going through a moment of pure bliss as she tried to bite her lips to keep from moaning louder...

He knew at that exact moment what his answer was, and without giving it a second thought, he directly spoke:

"I Love You Too."

While saying those words, Azmond gazed directly into Crystalline's emerald-like eyes with the brightest smile she had ever seen...

"..." It was a smile that made Crystalline think he looked like the god of the sun... a smile so bright that her heart practically melted when she saw it.


That was when she finally came out of her stupor and vaguely recalled professing her love to Azmond while she was going through an orgasm…

It was a phrase that she blurted out without thinking...

Did she mean what she said when she accidentally let it slip? Yes, she did.

She loved him with all her heart.

Crystalline loved everything about Azmond... She loved his smile, she loved his kindness, she loved his face... And although she would never admit it, She loved his playful side most of all...

She loved every single part of a man she just met less than half a day ago.

It was a phenomenon that didn't even make sense to the person who held those deep feelings...

But she just knew... she knew that what she was feeling was love, and she knew that Azmond was the man she loved with everything she had.

She just knew that he would be the only man she would ever truly love in her entire life…


"..." Crystalline, who was still stunned by Azmond's words abruptly leaned up from her laying position as her boobs jiggled a little from the sudden action.

Azmond took a small glance at them when they suddenly appeared in front of his face but quickly looked up when he saw the serious look on Crystalline.

"I love You, Azmond," she began to say with an icy face.

"I-" Azmond was about to reply, but before he could, his little ice flower began to speak again.

"I Love You," she said again without pause.

"I LOVE YOU!" Crystalline shouted with more intensity in her voice.

Her face started to morph slightly as a small smile began to form on her still-icy countenance.


Crystalline's small smile started to turn into something creepier as a smile that Azmond thought was the prettiest thing he had ever seen began to appear on her face.

"I LOVVVEE LOVE YOU!! I Love you so so much, Azmondd~!" She abruptly bounced on top of Azmond who was currently watching this entire event with a large creepy smile on his face as well.

*Rub Rub*

Her two milky white breasts were pressing up against his chest with everything they had… which was a lot…

"I LOVE YOU SOO SOO MUCH~ So much that I don't even know what to do with myself!"

Crystalline, who was currently clinging to Azmond's muscular chest, started to rub her two perky tits all over him as her pussy started rubbing against his thigh with more and more love juices staining his robe.

"I don't even know how I can have this much love for a person, Azmond, but I do, and I have it for you, a funny, playful-"

Crystalline's eyes suddenly darkened by a considerable degree as a pink aura began to surround the couple.

"-And kind man that I met just today... I know it makes no sense, and I know that I shouldn't have such deep feelings for you after just getting to know you, but... I do, and there is nothing in this world that can change that fact!"

Her eyes were now akin to swirling hypnotic marbles as she gazed lovingly into Azmond's eyes with a crazed and obsessive look on her beautiful face.

"You will never get away from me, Azmond... Never Ever," Crystalline said with her face still entranced.

"..." It was a face that Azmond thought was the cutest thing he had ever seen.

He was an insane man, and insane men liked insane things, and in this case, beautiful women…


"I already told you before, My Love~" Azmond's eyes darkened even further than Crystalline's as he said his next words very slowly, so she would never forget them.

"I won't ever be leaving you in this life or the next, and you won't ever be able to hide from me, Crystalline~, My Little Ice Flower~..."

His pupils were so dark at this moment that even the color black wasn't enough to describe how dark his eyes had gotten as he stretched out his two muscular arms, wrapped them around Crystalline's hips, and pulled her into an even tighter hug than she had already initiated with him.


He then looked straight down at Crystalline's sparkling emeralds and spoke with a voice so deep and husky that it sent shivers of pleasure straight down her spine:

"You Are Mine~" Azmond whispered in a sexy voice right next to Crystalline's ear.

"!!!" It was an action that caused her to twitch and convulse as her lusty body started to produce even more strange liquids.

*Squirt! Squirt!*

"???" That was when Crystalline felt something—something long and hard—emerge from within Azmond's robe and started to poke at her pussy.

"AAaaahhmm~~!! Mmmff~! A-Azmonndd~~!!!! I LOVE YOUU~~~!!!!" She once again came all over him when she felt his thick rod rub up against her tight entrance.

This abrupt movement of Azmond's only further stimulated his past action when he pulled her into a tight embrace and whispered those 3 words, 'I LOVE YOU' into her right ear.

*Rub Rub*

Crystalline started to rub up against him even more than before as her tight pussy caressed Azmonds dick from within his robes!

Her nipples were as hard as rocks as she repeatedly rubbed them up against his chest.

*Squirt! Squirt!*

Crystalline's entire body started to spasm as even more pussy juices were squirting out of her and soaking Azmond's lap.

His dick was now completely wet with her divine nectar, even with only his thin robe standing between them.

A robe that Azmond wouldn't allow to stay on him for much longer...


*Huff Huff*

Crystalline collapsed on top of Azmonds firm body as he held her by the waist and stared directly into her lust-filled eyes.

"Are you ready to try something a little more intense, My Love~?" Azmond asked, his fox-like grin once again reappearing on his handsome face.

"M-...Hah~... Hahn~ More intense than this~?" Crystalline suddenly questioned with a panting expression as her two bunnies and their pink tips were heaving up and down, rubbing against Azmond's body like they were trying to rub their scent off on him.

A large playful smile emerged on his lips as he responded with a simple, "Oh, Yes~ Far~ more intense than what you have experienced so far~,"

Following his honeyed words, his gaze traveled down to Crystalline's pussy that was still opening and closing alluringly, with lewd sounds being produced as her pussy lips slapped together, almost like they were begging for Azmond to fill her hole already.

"!!" It was a gaze that Crystalline noticed right away...

Her eyes lit up as she was hit with a sudden realization when she thought carefully about the meaning of his words.

A blush far deeper than any blush Azmond had ever gotten from her formed on her beautiful features as she replied with a mosquito-like voice, "...Mhmm..."

She followed up with an adorable nod as she gave the go-ahead for him to do as he pleased...

It was an affirmation that Azmond would gladly take her up on!


It isn't the big bad wolf's fault that the little lamb gets coerced so easily…