Loki And Thor

Meanwhile, in the pocket dimension that lay directly above the ocean dimension, two overwhelmingly powerful figures were left dumbfounded.

Thor and Loki had no life left within their contrasting body frames as they stood and stared at the unbelievable sight before them.

"H-He woke up." A flat voice devoid of emotion came out of the smaller figure. His posture was that of someone who had already embraced his guaranteed death.

"Yes." The red giant responded with a voice just as dull.

"What do we do, Loki...?" Thor asked. His eyes were gazing out into the empty void as if he had found something interesting to stare at.

He had completely lost himself.

"I don't know..." His brother replied with a despondent tone, as he was not faring any better.

Loki seemed to be unable to answer any questions asked of him since that mortal had appeared.

The two of them were lost...