Secrets Behind 'Boundless Restoration'


The earnest voice of Loki utterly crushed Azmond's expectations…

He couldn't believe he got his hopes up, only for them to be crushed as soon as they sprouted up!

"Don't give me that disappointed look. I can still inform you of one more thing that I think you will be extremely interested in, and I assure you that it will completely make up for your disappointment."

The sinister side of Loki showed itself in full when he saw the distraught countenance of Azmond.

However, it quickly dispersed when he figured he should conclude this discussion sometime soon.

Loki in all manner and form was a wily and cheeky god by nature, and this innate trait of his was inherited by neither his mother, Freya nor his father, Odin, and was instead something that originated from his upbringing.

Nonetheless, that was a topic for another period in time, as they truly were on a time crunch right now.

