Loki, Flustered?

"Y-You are wrong! I haven't been thinking about that moron at all! I've actually been thinking about how great I am!"

"Yah, that's it!" False confidence was practically oozing out of her with every word she spoke.

"I am pondering over whether or not that Azmond character fell in love with me immediately... or if he feels head over heels after a few seconds of gazing at my superior appearance. That's definitely it!" She uttered a string of incoherent words while her emerald eyes darted erratically in various directions.

Her fingers were thrown up in every which direction as her eyes sporadically flickered. It was almost like she was trying to distract herself from the truth of the matter…

However, her body didn't seem to align with her denial, as those two mountains of jelly on her chest bounced all over the place. Slapping violently against the rest of her lewd body.