Attempting To Break Through To Quantum Foundation Establishment!

'Whatever… There is no use brooding over something that only benefits me. I should instead divert my focus to my inadequate cultivation base.' A resolute expression emerged on Azmond's stoic face, while he clenched his fists till they became white.

'I was content with mediocrity before meeting Loki and Thor. But after hearing about 'weak' beings larger than stars... I realized how truly powerless I was on the grand scale of things.'

A topic that would usually put Azmond in a glum mood was brought up. And yet, his impassive expression never left his face…

It was almost like something inside of him was gradually changing. Or rather, something was adapting to this new world of his…

He knew that there would always be someone stronger than him. Did that mean he should become a depressed emo every single time he realized he wasn't as strong as he thought he was??

Of course not!