Is That a System...?


|Do you finally understand how superior I am, Host? If so, then we can begin with the introduction.|

The robotic British voice once again sounded out as Azmond was rendered speechless. He couldn't believe his eyes…

A frickin window screen popped up out of nowhere and called itself his system!

How could he not be a little freaked out at this completely unexpected development?!?

|I will take your moment of silence as confirmation!|

Another set of words appeared on the magical window screen's surface, followed by the same rich robotic voice entering his ears.

Azmond was too caught up in the moment to even realize that he had unintentionally and inadvertently signed a lifetime contract with an unknown entity…


|I am the Boundless System!|

A slightly conceited robotic voice echoed out, as reality itself began to resonate with the words spoken by the 'Boundless System'.