The 'Quantum Law'

However, his sense of expectation was quickly and effectively shut down when he heard Boundless's exclamation.

'That is better than nothing, I guess…' Azmond's thoughts leaked out a little, followed by a deep sigh.

He would take what he could get from this stingy 'Boundless System'.


Azmond was waiting patiently for what 'Boundless' would say next. At least he was…

That was until he saw a few things while scanning through the rest of the system interface.

|The exter-| For a change, Boundless was interrupted instead this time.

Azmond's analysis led to a deep frown forming on his face. "Why does this part and this part say that I have 'Aqua's mom', 'White Wolf', and 'Loki' as potential love interests?!?"

Azmond gave the most menacing stare of the century, as the killing intent repressed inside of him was about to erupt!

He didn't even mind that there were unknown women on his 'Potential Lovers' tab.