Leveling Frenzy! Part 2

Azmond conveniently ignored the 'System Remarks' and instead focused his attention on his new combat power and level.

The first, and most dopamine inducing segment of this entire experience was the fact that…

His level had increased from 33 → 41!

It was quite a bit more than he expected to get from such weak creatures, but he simply assumed that these 'Kobolds' were of a significantly higher level than the 'Goblins' he encountered before. There was also a difference in his 'Active Quest', which was the fact that his objective was to eradicate an entire 'Kobold Village' instead of the previous 'hunt 3 goblins' he received as his first quest.

All of the aforementioned points led to him gaining nearly 3 times the amount of EXP he received from his first Quest!

His eyes darted over to the 'Combat Power' section after gaining a better familiarity with how the 'Quest' features appeared to function.