The Sword-Shaped Forest

Boundless, noticing such irritation building up inside of him, decided to give him a little tip.

|Fine fine, I will give you a little bit of a hint on how to get out of this conundrum you found yourself in.| Her jubilant, sweet voice dripped into his ears like the words of an unscrupulous succubus.

That heavenly voice was followed by her lewd body—that was no longer in her skin-tight bikini—rub up even harder against his chiseled body.

Her cute red lips approached his ears before a seductive voice—analogous to that of the whispers of a she-devil—made its way into his earlobes.

"Just go down into that sword-shaped forest~ You will naturally find the way out if you search long enough~"

Such bold words flowed out of her luscious mouth before her unholy body slid its way down his muscular body. Her perky boobs and their hard tips unintentionally breezed past his stalwart figure.