Are We Almost There Yet?


A few minutes later...

|Are we almost there yet?|


A small pout formed on Boundless's rosy complexion.

|You lied to me before!| She said, while pounding his shoulders with her small, dainty hands.

"No, I didn't. I simply altered the way I answered your question." He said with an indifferent expression.

His figure continued zipping across the skies as he passed all the vast forestry below at a speed that made it all seem like a blur.

Hearing such a reply only made the adorable pout on her face grow even more pronounced!

|That is the same thing as lying, you meanie!|

"Hmm… Is it now? I don't think I would go through the trouble to lie to you over something so simple, though. Are you sure all that weight hasn't gone to your head? That could be the cause of your spouting such nonsense." He said with a small, imperceptible smile.

** Angry cat noises intensify! **