(R-18) An Intense Reunion

** Drip Drip Drip! Drip! **

The tears never stopped flowing. Her mind had already turned to a mush of overflowing sadness…

That was when, suddenly, and out of nowhere…

A large, gentle hand stretched out.

That hand began to tenderly rub the tears off of her face.

"A-Azmond?" She turned her wet eyes up to the source of such soft touches and saw the unparalleled face of the only person she ever wanted to see…

However, before she could freak out, the gentle and kind voice of the man leaked out into her reddened earlobes.

"You don't need to cry, my Love. I will never leave you alone. Not in this lifetime, and not in the next one…" He said with a large, radiant smile.

A smile that lit up her entire world like the darkest of nights suddenly dispersing, only to introduce the welcoming of a new age!

Her anguished and tear-stricken face immediately turned to one of unequivocal joy as she leaped up from her position!