'Clean Out' GoblinHaven

|?!?!?| She was a little taken aback by his answer. She had expected him to answer with the same plain 'No', like all the previous times she asked him.


She was beyond elated to hear that they had finally begun to near their destination!

O-Of course, she knew of such a thing already, but she just wanted him to say it himself…

Yeah, that was definitely it!

It wasn't because she was too caught up in his voice to bother scanning her surroundings or a-anything like that! Definitely not…

|...| A slightly guilty look appeared on her expression as she snuggled her lewd body even deeper into his body, attempting to escape the daunting gaze of Azmond.

"... This girl is seriously-" He began before he was suddenly interrupted.

"What girl…?" A dangerous yet melodic voice dripped into his right ear like the most poisonous of honey.

He turned his gaze to the right, only to see two sharp green eyes staring him down.