Creating Something Spectacular!

"!?!?" The two goblin ancestors were utterly bewildered by the insane speed of this human.

'He should've only been in the Initial stages of the Half-Step Void Refining Realm. How did he escape our scissor attack with such minuscule levels of strength?!?' The leading Goblin Ancestor questioned with a perplexed expression.


Their attacks were still ongoing, and it was already too late to stop them, so they simply let them touch base with the empty air!


The goblin houses and streets down below were blown out of existence as a deep crevice in the shape of an 'x' spanning hundreds of miles was produced from their simultaneous strikes.

"..." "..."

Seeing a fifth of the kingdom they built over several thousands of years, destroyed in the blink of an eye, put infuriated looks on their faces!

"You Damn HUMAN!!!! You Dare!!!" They bellowed with faces redder than chili peppers!