
Boundless and Crystalline were in a state of constant trepidation the entire time he had been zipping around in the skies above.

You couldn't imagine the immense relief they felt when he ultimately came out of the battle completely unscathed.

Of course, he hadn't stayed uninjured during the fight and even lost a few appendages in the early stages of his battle with GrimSoul; however, his 'Boundless Restoration' skill always seemed to come in clutch when it came to the insane levels of healing capabilities he possessed.

"Hey, Beautiful. Did you miss me~?" A chuckle escaped his lips as he looked at both of the women while speaking such flirtatious words.

"Humph! Why would I miss you!?"

They snorted in unison as they turned their voluptuous figures in two different directions, their smooth arms crossed over their almost identical sets of milky white bunnies. Their cheeks puffed up in two different shades of red.