A Very Blue Kingdom!

"Hmm…" Azmond, like usual, instantly ignored the remarks made by Boundless and added them to the constantly growing 'to do later' list.

However, what really attracted his attention were the increases to all his stats, his 'Quantum Law Assimilation Rate', his 'level', and his slightly increased realm.

He looked at his realm to begin with and saw that he had gone up from the Early-Late Quantum Foundation Establishment Realm to the Middle-Late Quantum Foundation Establishment Realm. Such a small change in his realm increased his power by more than just a couple times! But what he couldn't figure out was how his realm had increased without him actually cultivating…

'!!' That was until he recalled the faint imprint of an Ice Phoenix inside his Dantian space.

He had completely overlooked the seemingly nondescript, funny-looking chicken residing beside his oversized Dantian and Qi Cyclone.