The Goblin Village Of 'Bogmire'

The old man, upon hearing the dry words of Elara, couldn't help but glance off into the distance, seemingly gazing straight through the billions of tons of earth that separated him from Azmond. However, his vision didn't just stop there; it stretched on until he saw a now-distant figure booming through the skies at insane speeds.

"I think he will make it," he added after pulling back his sight.

"Is that so, sir? What makes you think that?" She asked with a perplexed tone.

There should be an almost non-existent likelihood that the new adventurer could make it through hundreds of quests in a mere week. Even a high-ranking adventurer would have some trouble completing so many quests in such a short span of time.

'Of course, there is the possibility that the woman he had with him could be at a high enough level. But I doubt that... Why would a high-level woman be with such a weak man?'