Asterion World Power Ranks

Asterion Sect Ranks: 1-9 Tiers

Asterion Kingdom Ranks: 1-9 Tier

Empire Ranks: Less than 40 Empires in Asterion (Not enough Empires to properly design a ranking system) (Going to put them with a simple 'This Empire is rank No 3' on the Empire Ranking List' type style.

Asterion Secret Organizations: {[Jade Serpent Society]}, {[Hidden Lotus Syndicate]}, {[Twilight Fox Circle]}. (They are the backers of the empires)

Asterions most well known Empires: {[Divine Sea Dynasty (They rule over the Divine Sea Continent as the sole ruling system)]}, {[Leviathan's Domain (Ruled over by a lone Leviathan of ultimate proportions (At the very peak of Mahayana, maybe even higher…)]}, {[Flamecrest Empire: Share half the Inferno God Continent with 'Leviathan's Domain']}