Are You The BranchMaster?

Elara had clearly told Kaida to inform him of their invitation to him. So why was he not here yet???

Well, it wasn't until a few hours after he returned from his quest completion frenzy that she realized he had taken out the women in his party!

He had apparently taken 'them' out on their own dates or something like that…

But there was only one other woman in his party! So what did he mean by 'them'? Was he seeing things, or was that slime actually a female as well?!?

She just couldn't seem to wrap her head around the existence named 'Morningstar'.

Who even calls themselves by such a weird name to begin with?!?


The archaic-looking old man seemed to be in deep thought about something as a few more hours passed by.


"Still not here yet?" The ancient voice asked.


"... I see…"

The silence was deafening.

However, a few seconds passed as something began to change in Elara's nervous expression.