Dragon Race Ranks!

*Spurt Spurt!*

Elara's Master's words shot dozens of holes through her heart!

'How did this conversation suddenly become about me?!? We were talking about your nonchalant decision-making skills, not my love life!!!'


Why was her life so difficult…


In a deep, expansive series of tunnels, tens of thousands of meters below the ground surface.



A bright crimson aura flashed as the earth exploded upwards!

A giant scaly lizard over 200 meters in length was launched out of the ground before it ended up thousands of meters in the air!

An emotionless voice followed such a dramatic action as a man in a sunsettish-colored robe emerged from the rubble unscathed.

"I told you to stop running. So why didn't you stop?"

He asked while brushing off the debris on his robes.

'What do you mean why didn't I stop??? You were trying to kill me!!!'